Evaluation of EFSA performance: have you say!
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Evaluation of EFSA performance: have you say!

If you are interested in the work of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), you are invited to participate to an on-going consultation which aims to collect evidence, meaningful information and expert opinion from stakeholders and the wider public to support an in-depth evaluation of the Authority. The opportunities for stakeholders and the public to share their data, experiences, and views on how EFSA operates will contribute to the evidence base, transparency, and accountability of the evaluation process.

Target audiences include organisations representing interested stakeholders, e.g., consumers, NGOs and advocacy groups, business and food industry (including SMEs), distributors, retailers and the hospitality sector (hotels, restaurants, etc.), farmers and other primary producers, academia, research and technology organisations, practitioners' associations, risk and media (including digital and social) communication officers

Member States’ competent authorities and national risk assessment bodies/organisations, as well as other relevant EU agencies (e.g. ECHA, EMA, ECDC, EEA), are also invited to contribute.

Further information:


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