23rd Session
Mexico City, Mexico, 25 February – 1 March 2025
- Annotated agenda - ES - FR
European Union comments on
- Agenda item 4: (CL 2024/90-FFV): Proposed draft standard for fresh curry leaves
22nd Session
Virtual, 25-29 April and 4 May 2022
- Annotated agenda - ES - FR
European Union comments on
- CL 2019/106-FFV: Draft Standard for Kiwifruit at step 8
- CL 2021/79-FFV: Request for proposals on new work for the Committee on Fresh Fruits and Vegetables
- CL-2021/84/OCS-FFV: proposed draft standard for onions and shallots
- CL 2021/85/OCS-FFV: proposed draft standard for berry fruits
- CL 2021/86/OCS-FFV: proposed draft Standard for fresh dates
- CL 2022/11-FFV: Definition of terms for application in the layout for Codex standards for fresh fruits and vegetables
- CL 2022/40/OCS-FFV: Step 5/8 on the proposed draft standard for onions and shallots
- CL 2022/41/OCS-FFV: Step 5/8 on the proposed draft standard for berry fruits
21st Session
Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico, 7 – 11 October, 2019
- Annotated agenda - ES - FR
European Union comments on
- Agenda Item 2a: Matters arising from the Codex Alimentarius Commission and other Codex committees (CX/FFV 19/21/2) - b. Matters for action
- Agenda Item 3: Draft Standard for Kiwifruit (cx/ffv 19/21/4)
- Agenda Item 10: Discussion paper on glossary of terms for application in the layout for codex standards for fresh fruits and vegetables (CX/FFV 19/21/11)
- CL 2019/65-FFV: Draft Standard for Yam.
- CL 2017/90/OCS-FFV: Request for Comments at Step 8 on the draft standard for aubergines.
- CL 2017/91/OCS-FFV: Request for Comments at Step 5 on the draft standard for ware potatoes.
20th Session
Kampala, Uganda, 2–6 October, 2017
- Annotated agenda - ES - FR
European Union comments on:
- Agenda Item 4: Draft Standard for Garlic
- Agenda Item 5: Draft Standard for Kiwifruit
- Agenda Item 6: Draft Standard for Ware Potatoes
- Agenda Item 7: Draft Standard for Fresh Dates
- Agenda Item 9: Proposed layout for Codex standards for fresh fruits and vegetables
- CL 2016/29-FFV: Draft Standard for Garlic and Kiwifruit.
- CL 2016/30-FFV: Request for Comments at step 6 on the draft Standard for Aubergines.
- Codex Circular Letter CL 2015/29-FFV - 15 February 2016
Appendix VI of REP16/FFV: Proposed Draft Standard for Ware Potatoes
19th Session
Ixtapa, Mexico, 5-9 October 2015
- Annotated agenda - ES - FR
European Union comments on:
- Agenda Item 2 (Part A and Part B): Matters referred by the Codex Alimentarius Commission and other Codex Committees
- Agenda Item 3: Proposed draft standard for aubergines ( CX/FFV 15/19/5).
- Agenda Item 4: Proposed draft standard for garlic.
- Agenda Item 5: Proposed draft standard for Kiwi fruit - AT Step 4 (CX/FFV 15/19/7).
- Agenda Item 6: Proposed draft standard for ware potatoes
- Agenda Item 8: Proposed layaout for CODEX standards for fresh fruits and vegetables