49th Session
Beijing, P.R. China, 24–29 April 2017
- Annotated Agenda for the Codex Committee on Pesticide Residues indicating the division of competence between the European Union and its Member States according to Rule of procedure II paragraph 5 of the Codex Alimentarius Commission
European Union comments on:
- Agenda Item 4a: Matters of interest arising from FAO and WHO in addition to the 2016 JMPR activities.
- Agenda Item 5a: Report on items of general consideration by the 2016 JMPR (Section 2 of the May and September 2016 JMPR Reports)
- Agenda Item 5b: Report on 2016 JMPR responses to specific concerns (Section 3 of the 2016 JMPR Report)
- Agenda Item 6: Draft and proposed draft maximum residue limits for pesticides in food and feed at steps 7 and 4
- Agenda Item 7: Draft and proposed revision of the Classification of Foods and Feed at Steps 7 and 4: Vegetable commodity groups
- Agenda Item 9: Discussion paper on the possible revision of the international estimate of short-term intake (IESTI) equations.
- Agenda Item 10a: Establishment of Codex Schedules and Priority Lists of Pesticides.
- CORRIGENDUM to European Union Comments on AGENDA ITEM 10 a): Establishment of Codex Schedules and Priority Lists of Pesticides.
- Agenda Item 10b: Information on national registrations of pesticides: Discussion paper on the establishment of a Codex database of national registrations of pesticides
- CL 2017/62-PR: Proposed draft and draft maximum residue limits for pesticides in food and feed (Steps 5/8 and 8).
- CL 2016/28-PR: Request for comments at Step 6 on Group 020 Grasses of Cereal Grains (Revision of the Classification of Food and Feed).
- CL 2016/27-PR: Request for comments at Step 6 on the Draft Guidelines on Performance Criteria for Methods of [Sub-review]
- CL 2016/14-PR: Point 5. Matters related to the 2016 JMPR meeting including concern forms on:
48th Session
Chongqing, P.R. China, 25–30 April 2016
- Annotated Agenda for the Codex Committee on Pesticide Residues indicating the division of competence and right to vote between the European Union and its Member States in respect of each particular agenda item
European Union comments on:
- Agenda Item 5a: Report on items of general consideration by the 2015 JMPR (Section 2 of the 2015 JMPR Report).
- Agenda Item 5b: Report on items of general consideration by the 2015 JMPR (Section 2 of the 2015 JMPR Report).
- Agenda Item 6: Draft and proposed draft maximum residue limits for pesticides in foods and feeds at Steps 7 and 4 - Comments at steps 6 and 3
- Agenda Item 7: Discussion paper on the impact of relocation of Vigna spp. under beans on the CXLs for Peas
- Agenda Item 8a and 8b: Proposed draft and draft revision of the Classification of Food and Feed: Selected vegetables commodity groups Group 014 - Legume Vegetables and Group 015- Pulses.
- Agenda Item 8c: Draft revision of the Classification of Food and Feed: Selected vegetables commodity groups - Group 011: Fruiting vegetables, cucurbits
- Agenda Item 8d: Proposed draft revision of the Classification of Food and Feed: Selected vegetables commodity groups Group 020 –Grasses of cereal grains
- Agenda Item 8e: Proposed draft revision of the Classification of Food and Feed: Selected vegetables commodity groups Group 021: Grasses for sugar or syrup production
- Agenda Item 8f: Proposed draft revision of the Classification of Food and Feed: Selected vegetables commodity groups Group 024: Seeds for beverages and sweets
- Agenda Item 8g: Proposed draft tables 2 and 3 – Examples of selection of representative commodities (vegetable and other commodity groups) (for inclusion in the principle and guidance for the selection of representative commodities for the extrapolation of maximum residue limits for pesticides to commodity groups)
- Agenda Item 9: Proposed Draft Guidelines on Performance Criteria Specific for Methods of Analysis for Determination of Pesticides Residues in Food
- Agenda Item 10: Establishment of Codex Schedules and Priority List of Pesticides
- CL 2015/13-PR: Part A – Matters For Adoption By The 38th Session Of The Codex Alimentarius Commission - Proposed Draft Standards and Related Texts at Steps 5 or 5/8 of the Procedure.
47th Session
Beijing, P.R. China, 13–18 April 2015
- Annotated Agenda for the Codex Committee on Pesticide Residues indicating the division of competence and right to vote between the European Union and its Member States in respect of each particular agenda item
European Union comments on:
- Agenda Item 5a: Report on items of general consideration by the 2014 JMPR - (section 2 of the 2014 jmpr report).
- Agenda Item 5b: Report on items of general consideration by the 2014 JMPR - (section 3 of the 2014 jmpr report).
- Agenda Item 6a: Draft and proposed draft maximum residue limits for pesticides in foods and feeds at Steps 7 and 4.
- Agenda Item 7a: Draft revision of the Classification of Foods and Animal Feeds at Step 7: Selected vegetable commodity groups (Group 015 Pulses).
- Agenda Item 7b: Draft revision of the Classification of Foods and Animal Feeds at Step 3: Selected vegetable commodity groups (Group 011 Fruiting vegetables, cucurbits and Group 014 Legume vegetables)
- Agenda Item 7c: Draft revision of the Classification of Foods and Animal Feeds at Step 4: Other selected vegetable commodity groups – Group 20 (Cereal grains)
- Agenda Item 7d: Draft table 2 – Examples of selection of representative commodities (vegetable commodity groups) at Step 4
- Agenda Item 8: Proposed draft guidelines on performance criteria specific for methods of analysis for determination of pesticides residues in food
- Agenda Item 9: Discussion paper on guidance to facilitate the establishment of maximum residue limits for pesticides for minor crops / specialty crops
- Agenda Item 10: Establishment of Codex Schedules and Priority List of Pesticides (CL 2015/3-PR).
46th Session
Nanjing, P.R. China, 5-10 May 2014
- Annotated Agenda for the Codex Committee on Pesticide Residues indicating the division of competence and right to vote between the European Union and its Member States in respect of each particular agenda item
European Union comments on:
- Agenda Item 5a: Report on items of general consideration by the 2013 JMPR
- Agenda Item 5b: Report on 2013 JMPR responses to specific concerns raised by the CCPR
- Agenda Item 6a: Draft and proposed draft maximum residue limits for pesticides in foods and feeds at Steps 7 and 4 - comments at steps 6 and 3.
- Agenda Item 7: Discussion Paper on the Applicability of Codex Maximum Residue Limits for Citrus Fruits to Kumquats
- Agenda Item 8a: Draft Revision of the Classification of Foods and Animal Feeds at Step 7: Selected vegetable commodity groups
- Agenda Item 8b: Proposed draft Revision of the Classification of Foods and Animal Feeds at Step 4: Other selected commodity groups
- Agenda Item 8c: Proposed draft Table 2 - Examples of selection of representative commodities (vegetable commodity groups) (for inclusion in the Principles and Guidance for the Selection of Representative Commodities for the Extrapolation of Maximum Residue Limits for Pesticides to Commodity Groups) at Step 4
- Agenda Item 9: Proposed draft guidance on performance criteria specific for methods of analysis for determination of pesticide residues
- Agenda Item 10: Revision of the Risk Analysis Principles applied by the Codex Committee on Pesticide Residues
- Agenda Item 11: Discussion paper on guidance to facilitate the establishment of maximum residue limits for pesticides for minor crops / specialty crops
- Agenda Item 12: Establishment of Codex Priority Lists of Pesticides
- CL 2013/14-PR - Part A: Matters for adoption by the 36th Session of the Codex Alimentarius Commission
- CL 2013/19-PR - Draft Revision to the Codex Classification of Food and Feed – Selected Vegetable Commodity Groups (Roots and Tubers).