Worldwide presence (2019 data)

Currently, more than 42.000 users from about 85 countries worldwide are using TRACES interactively, meaning that they complete certificates and documents online.

TRACES covers DG SANTE’s policy areas in relation to public health, animal health and plant health:

More facts on TRACES accessibility
Multilingual interface
TRACES is a multilingual online management tool with a user interface translated in 34 languages: 23 EU official languages plus Albanian, Bosnian, Chinese, Icelandic, Korean, of the Republic of North Macedonia, Norwegian, Russian, Serbian, Turkish, and Vietnamese.
TRACES is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, free of charge.
EU countries - Under the 'Better Training for Safer Food' (BTSF) programme, TRACES training sessions are organised for the EU countries on how to use the different modules of TRACES.
Non-EU countries - For non-EU countries, TRACES training sessions are organised under the BTSF World programme and on request, at the premises of DG SANTE in Brussels or remotely.
If you are interested in a TRACES training session, please contact the TRACES Helpdesk (sante-tracesec [dot] europa [dot] eu).
Related links
- TRACES NT platform
- TRACES NT Documentation website
- Approved EU food establishments
- Non-EU Approved Establishment lists
- Animal by-products Approved establishments
- Lists of Border Control Posts (Veterinary)
- Lists of BCPs & CPs (Products of non-animal origin)
- Lists of BCPs & CPs (Plants)
- Technical specifications (Food establishments)