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Food Safety

Control of TSEs (including BSE and scrapie)

What are TSEs?

EU Legislation

European Parliament and Council Regulation (EC) No 999/2001, known as "the TSE Regulation" is based on sound scientific advice.

The TSE Roadmaps

Two Commission Communications to the European Parliament and the Council, called "TSE roadmaps" have been adopted to inform on revisions to the TSE control system envisaged by the Commission. Most of the short and medium term measures envisaged in these two roadmaps have already been adopted by the Commission.

Further information

For all aspects regarding TSEs and BSE, please refer to the information displayed below

For a list of establishments registered/authorised in accordance with Section A of Chapter V of Annex IV to Regulation (EC) No 999/2001, in the context of the feed ban, please visit the List of Establishments page.

For lists of holdings of sheep or goats with a controlled or negligible risk of Classical Scrapie, please visit the Lists of Holdings with a Status for Classical Scrapie page.

Applications to be recognised a member State, or zones of a Member State, with a negligible risk of classical scrapie should be prepared in accordance with this Guideline document.