Consumer food waste prevention - European Commission Skip to main content
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Food Safety

Consumer food waste prevention sub-group

About the group

As households generate more than half of the total food waste in the EU (53% or over 31 million tonnes) with 69% of food waste arising at household, food service and retail (Eurostat, 2022) and given global developments in this area of work, prevention of consumer food waste is a key area of focus. 

At the inaugural meeting of the EU Platform on Food Losses and Food Waste under its second mandate (2022-2026), it was agreed that a sub-group dedicated to consumer food waste prevention would be established in order to support EU and Platform members' work in this field.

The sub-group provides a forum to exchange information on interventions carried out to modify consumer behaviour concerning food waste generation and/or raise consumer awareness about the issue and results achieved.

More information about the background and tasks of this sub-group can be found in its Terms of reference:

Terms of Reference: Consumer food waste prevention sub-group

See the full list of the subgroup members (under the section "Members")

Meetings 2024

The consumer food waste sub-group was invited to participate in the ECFWF's event on 5 June. The event gathered food waste prevention experts and actors across the food supply chain to discuss solutions to prevent food waste at consumer level, both in- and out-of-home.

The event marked the launch of the Toolkit to Reduce Consumer Food Waste, a digital resource developed by the European Commission, based on the work of the European Consumer Food Waste Forum project.

You can find the recording of the event, presentations and summary report of the discussions on the event's webpage.

24 October - online (Webex)

Previous Meetings