Former Scientific Committee on Veterinary Measures relating to Public Health - European Commission Skip to main content
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Former Scientific Committee on Veterinary Measures relating to Public Health

The opinions are published by the European Commission in their original language. Only this version is the original one. If other linguistic versions appear on this page, these will be clearly identified. The opinions are those of the Scientific Committees. It does not necessarily reflect the position of the European Commission.


Opinion on West Nile Virus (WNV) (adopted on 14-15 April 2003)
Opinion on Salmonellae in foodstuffs (adopted on 14-15 April 2003)
Opinion on revision of meat inspection in veal calves (adopted on 14-15 April 2003)
Opinion on the evaluation of antimicrobial treatments for poultry carcasses (adopted on 14-15 April 2003)
Opinion on the human health risk caused by the use of fluoroquinolones in animals (adopted on 26-27 March 2003)
Opinion on Staphylococcal Enterotoxins in milk products, particularly cheeses (adopted on 26-27 March 2003)
Opinion on Verotoxigenic E. Coli (VTEC) in foodstuffs (adopted on 21-22 January 2003)
Opinion on Criteria for Evaluation of Methods of Salmonella Detection (adopted 19-20 June 2002)
Opinion on honey and microbiological hazards (adopted on 19-20 June 2002)
Opinion: Review of previous SCVPH opinions of 30 April 1999 and 3 May 2000 on the potential risks to human health from hormone residues in bovine meat and meat products (adopted on 10 April 2002)
Opinion on Norwalk-like viruses (adopted on 30-31 January 2002)
Opinion on Trichinellosis, epidemiology, methods of detection and Trichinella - free pig production (adopted on 21-22 November 2001)
Opinion on Vibrio vulnificus and Vibrio parahaemolyticus (in raw and undercooked seafood) (adopted on 19-20 September 2001)
Opinion on the Cleaning and Disinfection of Knives in the Meat and Poultry Industry (adopted on 20-21 June 2001)
Opinion on identification of species/categories of meat-producing animals in integrated production systems where meat inspection may be revised (adopted on 20-21 June 2001)
Opinion on Ovine Gas De-pelting (adopted on 14-15 February 2001)
Opinion on the control of taeniosis/cysticercosis in man and animals (adopted on 27-28 September 2000)
Review of specific documents relating to the SCVPH opinion of 30 April 99 on the potential risks to human health from hormone residues in bovine meat and meat products (adopted on 03 May 2000)
Opinion on food-borne zoonoses (12 April 2000)
Opinion on revision of meat inspection procedures (24 February 2000)
Opinion on The evaluation of microbiological criteria for food products of animal origin for human consumption (23 September 99)
Opinion on Listeria Monocytogenes (23 September 99)
Opinion - Assessment of potential risks to human health from hormone residues in bovine meat and meat products (30 april 1999)
Opinion on cooling of carcasses during transport - 15 - 16 March 1999
Report on Public Health Aspects of the Use of Bovine Somatotrophin - 15-16 March 1999
Report on benefits and limitations of antimicrobial treatments for poultry carcasses
Opinion on the 9th Code of Federal Regulations Part 304 et seq. Pathogen Reduction; Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) Systems; Final Rule. 20 July 1998
Opinion - Detection of Trichinella spiralis in horse meat -22 June 1998
Opinion - Detection of Trichinella spiralis in pork with a pooled sample digestion method using a magnetic stirrer and two separatory funnels- 22 June 1998
Opinion - Allergic reactions to ingested Anisakis Simplex antigens and evaluation of the possible risk to human health - 27 April 1998
Opinion - Safety of slaughter practices and methods : risk of spread of BSE infectivity through cross contamination of different tissues by using pneumatic stunning during the slaughtering process of ruminants - 17 February 1998


Draft Agenda of the meeting of 14-15 April 2003
Draft Agenda of the meeting of 26-27 March 2003
Draft Agenda of the meeting of 21-22 January 2003
Draft Agenda of the meeting of 18-19 September 2002
Draft Agenda of the meeting of 19-20 June 2002
Draft Agenda of the meeting of 10-11 April 2002
Draft Agenda of the meeting of 30-31 January 2002
Draft Agenda of the meeting of 21-22 November 2001
Draft Agenda of the meeting of 19-20 September 2001
Draft Agenda of the meeting of 20-21 June 2001
Draft Agenda of the meeting of 2-3 May 2001
Draft agenda of the meeting of 14-15 February 2001

Draft Agenda of the meeting of 20-21 June 2001

The following agenda is proposed:

1. Welcome, apologies and declarations of interest

2. Adoption of the agenda

3. Adoption of the minutes of the meeting of 2-3 May 2001

4. Discussion and possible adoption of the following scientific opinions:

4.1. ID Species/Categories of Animals

4.2. Vibrio vulnificus and V. parahaemolyticus in molluscs

4.3. The disinfection of knives in the meat industry

5. Discussion of the draft reports on:

5.1. Trichinella

5.2. SRSV-Norwalk like viruses

6. Information to the Committee on possible new questions - establishment of new working groups

7. Feed-back by the chairman on subjects discussed in the SSC which are of interest to the Committee

8. Feed-back by members of the Committee having attended working group meetings of other Scientific Committees

9. Miscellaneous

Draft Agenda of the Meeting of 2-3 May 2001

The following agenda is proposed:

1. Welcome, apologies and declarations of interest

2. Adoption of the agenda

3. Adoption of the minutes of the meeting of 14-15 February 2001

4. Information to the Committee on possible new questions

5. Discussion and possible adoption of the following scientific opinions:

5.1 Vibrio vulnificus and V. parahaemolyticus in molluscs

5.2 The disinfection of knives in the meat industry

6. Discussion of the draft reports on:

6.1 ID Species/Categories of Animals

6.2 Trichinella

7. Feed-back by the chairman on subjects discussed in the SSC which are of interest to the Committee

8. Feed-back by members of the Committee having attended working group meetings of other Scientific Committees

9. Miscellaneous

Draft agenda of the meeting of 14-15 February 2001

The following agenda is proposed:

1. Welcome, apologies and declarations of interest.

2. Adoption of the agenda.

3. Adoption of the minutes of the meeting of 30 November 2000.

4. Discussion and possible adoption of the following scientific opinions:

4.1. Review of the report of the Sc.V.C. on " Trichinella-free areas (1996) and the reliability of Trichinella detection methods.

4.2. Scientific report concerning ovine gas de-pelting.

5. Discussion of the draft reports on:

5.1. Vibrio vulnificus and V. parahaemolyticus in molluscs.

5.2. The disinfection of knives in the meat industry.

6. Feed-back by the chairman on subjects discussed in the SSC which are of interest to the Committee.

7. Feed-back by members of the Committee having attended working group meetings of other Scientific Committees.

8. Information to the Committee on possible new questions - establishement of new working groups:

― Norwalk like viruses

― Salmonella methods

9. Discussion of information received relating to the previous SCVPH opinion on "Cooling of carcasses"

10. Miscellaneous.


Summary record of the SCVPH plenary meeting of 14-15 April 2003 (approved on 24 April 2003)
Summary record of the SCVPH plenary meeting of 26-27 March 2003 (approved on 14 April 2003)
Summary record of the SCVPH plenary meeting of 21-22 January 2003 (approved on 26 March 2003)
Summary record of the SCVPH plenary meeting of 27-28 November 2002 (approved on 21 January 2003)
Summary record of the SCVPH plenary meeting of 18-19 September 2002 (approved on 27 November 2002)
Summary record of the SCVPH plenary meeting of 19-20 June 2002 (approved on 18 September 2002)
Summary record of the SCVPH Plenary Meeting of 10-11 April 2002 (approved on 19 June 2002)
Summary record of the SCVPH Plenary Meeting of 30-31 January 2002 (approved on 10 April 2002)
Summary record of the SCVPH Plenary Meeting of 21-22 November 2001 (approved on 30 January 2002)
Summary record of the SCVPH Plenary Meeting of 19-20 September 2001 (approved on 21 November 2001)
Summary record of the SCVPH Plenary Meeting of 20-21 June 2001 (approved on 19 September 2001)
Summary record of the SCVPH Plenary Meeting of 2-3 May 2001 (approved on 20 June 2001)
Summary record of the SCVPH Plenary Meeting of 14-15 February 2001 (approved on 2 May 2001)
Summary record of the Plenary Meeting of 30 November 2000 (approved on 14-15 February 2001)
Summary record of the Plenary Meeting of 27-28 September 2000 (Approved on 29 November 2000)
Summary record of the Plenary Meeting of 28-29 June 2000 (Approved at the meeting on 27-28 September 2000)
Summary record of the Plenary Meeting of 11-12 April 2000 (approved at the meeting on 28-29 June 2000)
Summary record of the Plenary Meeting of 23-24 February 2000 (approved at the meeting on 11-12 April 2000)
Summary record of the Plenary Meeting of 16-17 December 1999 (approved at the meeting on 23-24 February 2000)
Summary report of the meeting held on 23-24 September 1999 (approved at the meeting on 16-17 December 1999)
Summary report of the meeting held on 11 June 1999 in Brussels (approved at the meeting on 23-24 September 1999)
Summary report of the meeting held on 29-30 April 1999 in Brussels (approved at the meeting on 11 June 1999)
Summary report of the meeting held on 15-16 March 1999 in Brussels (approved at the meeting on 29-30 April 1999)
Summary report of the meeting held on 05 February 1999 in Brussels (approved at the meeting on 15-16 March 1999)
Summary report of the meeting held on 21 December 1998 in Brussels (approved at the meeting on 05 February 1999)
Summary report of the meeting held on 30 November in Brussels (approved at the meeting on 21 December 1998)
Summary report of the meeting held on 30 October in Brussels (approved at the meeting on 30 November 1998)
Summary report of the meeting held on 28 September 1998 in Brussels (approved at the meeting on 30 October 1998)
Summary report of the meeting held on 20 July 1998 in Brussels (approved at the meeting on 28 September 1998)
Summary report of the meeting held on 22 June 1998 in Brussels (approved at the meeting on 20 July 1998)
Summary report of the meeting held on 25 May 1998 in Brussels (approved at the meeting on 22 June 1998)
Summary report of the meeting held on 27 April 1998 in Brussels (approved at the meeting on 25 May 1998)
Summary report of the meeting held on 17 February 1998 in Brussels (approved at the meeting on 27 April 1998)
Summary report of the Meeting held on 22 December 1997 in Brussels
Summary report of the meeting held on 17 November 1997 in Brussels