About the dialogues
Accelerating the transition towards sustainable food systems and sustainable agricultural production is a commitment of the international community that calls for strategic partnerships. It is in this context, that European Union (EU)-Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) Dialogues on Sustainable Food Systems are organised, aiming to promote a constructive exchange of ideas to find common grounds, principles, and initiatives that can pave the way for collaboration to push food systems towards sustainability.
These Dialogues are organised with the support of the Foreign Policy Instruments (FPI) and the EU-Lac Policy Dialogue Facility. They will consist of a total of four sub-regional workshops, and concluding with a bi-regional conference expected to take place at the end of 2022.
Policy dialogues: "EU – Colombia, Ecuador and Peru" on sustainable agriculture and sustainable food systems
Recordings of the meeting:
Policy dialogues: "EU – Mercosur and Chile" on sustainable agriculture and sustainable food systems
- Press release
- Agenda
- Presentations:
- The EU perspective - The EU Farm to Fork Strategy
- The Chile Perspective - Sistemas Aliimentares Sustentables
- The EU perspective - Towards sustainable livestock systems-EU policies and RI activities
- The Argentina perspective - Sustainable livestock production
- The EU perspective - Reducing food loss and waste-EU action plan
- The Chile perspective - Iniciativas para prevenir y reducir las perdidas y desperdicios de alimentos en el sistema alimentario chileno
- The EU perspective - A soil deal for Europe
- Recordings of the meeting:
Policy dialogues: "EU - Central America" on sustainable agriculture and sustainable food systems
- Press release
- Agenda EN, Agenda ES
- Presentations:
- The Farm to Fork Strategy
- Farm to Fork and Agriculture
- EU Code of Conduct on responsible food business and marketing practices
- Costa Rica - Climate actions and policies for adaptation and mitigation
- A supportive framework for soil protection in the EU
- Costa Rica - Base legal relevante
- Sustainable Use of Pesticides
- Reducing food loss and waste: EU action plan
- Pérdida y Desperdicio de alimentos: Centroamérica y Costa Rica - engineering project proposal
- Recordings of the meeting: