- Aujeszkys disease
- Aujeszkys disease multiannual
- Avian influenza
- Bluetongue
- Bovine brucellosis
- Bovine tuberculosis
- Classical swine fever
- Enzootic bovine leucosis
- Enzootic bovine leucosis multiannual
- Ovine and caprine brucellosis
- Rabies
- Rabies multiannual
- Salmonella
- Scrapie multiannual
- Swine vesicular disease
- Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies
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Aujeszkys disease
Aujeszkys disease multiannual
Avian influenza
Bovine brucellosis
Bovine tuberculosis
'United Kingdom','[site:base-url]/sites/food/files/safety/docs/cff_animal_vet-progs_2010_dec-2009-883-ec_bovine-tuberculosis_gbr.pdf');