About electronic certification
The electronic certification functionality of TRACES (e-certification) was implemented in TRACES in 2019, and since then, it has revolutionized the traditional sanitary and phytosanitary certification practices. The e-certification function of TRACES complies with the relevant standards and requirements for electronic certification as set out in the IMSOC Regulation (Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/1715) and enables authorities to stamp electronically official documents and certificates online. As a result, it replaces paper certificates, and it offers a fully digitised workflow in line with the European Commission’s policy priority “A Europe fit for the digital age”.
TRACES offers electronic certification for both EU and non-EU countries authorities. This feature allows authorities to acquire an electronic seal which allows official inspectors and certifying officers to apply it on official certificates and documents they issue in TRACES. The European Commission offers e-certification free of charge and brings authorities which are interested to use it in contact with the qualified trust service provider (QTSP) which is in charge of the trust services provision for TRACES.
In the following video, TRACES experts from France, Martinique, Morocco and Spain, share their experience with regard to the use of the TRACES platform, and in particular how the electronic certification has modernized and facilitated their daily work.
Related links
- TRACES NT platform
- TRACES NT Documentation website
- Approved EU food establishments
- Non-EU Approved Establishment lists
- Animal by-products Approved establishments
- Lists of Border Control Posts (Veterinary)
- Lists of BCPs & CPs (Products of non-animal origin)
- Lists of BCPs & CPs (Plants)
- Technical specifications (Food establishments)