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Food Safety

The EUROPHYT network

EUROPHYT is a web-based network and database. It connects Plant Health Authorities of the EU Member States and Switzerland, the European Food Safety Authority and the Directorate General for Health and Food Safety of the European Commission.

The main features of the EUROPHYT Network are:

  • Notification of interceptions: Plant health authorities of the EU Member States and Switzerland enter data about interceptions they have made of non-compliant consignments into EUROPHYT electronically, via a direct web-link.

  • A Rapid Alert System: EUROPHYT immediately notifies the plant health authorities of Member States and Switzerland of each interception. In the case of interceptions of imports from non-EU countries, the plant health authority of the exporting country also receives immediate notification in the form of an e-mail.

  • Database and information system: All notifications are stored in a structured database. Members of the EUROPHYT network have full access to the data, making it possible to analyse trends and produce statistics.

  • Reports: Standard weekly, monthly and annual reports are produced for different users. Reports for the general public are available here.

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