Plant Health Emergency Team - European Commission
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Food Safety

Plant Health Emergency Team

Past outbreaks of serious plant pests have highlighted the need for well-prepared, highly trained experts to effectively manage plant health emergencies. To enhance access to and exchange of expertise within the EU and third countries, the Commission has established the Union Plant Health Emergency Team under Article 19a of Regulation (EU) 2016/2031.

Under the coordination of the Commission, members of this Team will provide specialised expertise and support to help protect plant health across the EU and, where relevant, in third countries.

By sharing experience and offering practical assistance to national and local authorities and, as relevant, to stakeholders, the Team will enhance the EU’s capacity to respond swiftly and effectively to plant pest outbreaks.

The Commission will invite Member States to nominate experts for the Team. From this pool of specialists, the Commission will assemble a mission whenever an EU or non-EU country requests assistance in managing a plant health crisis.

The Commission will keep EU countries informed about the Team’s activities through the Standing Committee on Plants, Animals, Food, and Feed.