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Food Safety

Lists of Holdings with a Status for Classical Scrapie

The conditions for holdings of sheep or goats to be recognised as having a negligible risk or a controlled risk of Classical Scrapie are provided in Point 1 of Section A of Chapter A of Annex VIII to Regulation (EC) No 999/2001.

The table below reflects the information provided to date to the European Commission by those EU Member States which have chosen to recognise such statuses and to make the lists of holdings with a negligible or a controlled risk publicly available. Please note that there is no legal obligation for the Member States in this respect.

Where no hyperlink or other information is provided for a given country, it means either that the country has not established an official scheme for the recognition of holdings with a negligible or a controlled risk of classical scrapie, or that the country has not established lists of holdings with a status, or that these lists have not been made public by the country so far.

EU Member States

Austria (AT)

Austria has been granted the status of country with a negligible risk of classical scrapie. Consequently, all sheep and goats holdings in Austria are automatically considered as having a negligible risk of classical scrapie

Belgium (BE)


Bulgaria (BG)


Croatia (HR)

Cyprus (CY)


Czech Republic (CZ)


Denmark (DA)


Estonia (EE)


Finland (FI)

Finland has been granted the status of country with a negligible risk of classical scrapie. Consequently, all sheep and goats holdings in Finland are automatically considered as having a negligible risk of classical scrapie

France (FR)


Germany (DE)


Greece (EL)


Hungary (HU)


Ireland (IE)


Italy (IT)


Latvia (LV)

Excel download available on the Republic of Latvia Agricultural data centre website.

Lithuania (LT)


Luxembourg (LU)


Malta (MT)


Netherlands (NL)

Poland (PL)


Portugal (PT)

Please visit the Portuguese National Authority for Food and Veterinary (DGAV) website. Go to the paragraph titled "Classificação Sanitária de Explorações relativamente ao Tremor Epizoótico Clássico", and follow the hyperlink under "lista anexa".
Please note: if you see the site in EN, please select the PT option at the bottom of the page for the above mentioned options to appear.

Romania (RO)


Slovakia (SK)

Please visit the website of the competent authority of Slovakia:

You can find the hyperlink leading to the latest lists of Holdings with a Status for Classical Scrapie in the section "Preventive measures against scrapie (Preventívne opatrenia proti scrapie)", at the end of point 2 "Breeding sheep and goats resistant to classical scrapie (Chov oviec a kôz rezistentných voči klasickej scrapie)".

Slovenia (SI)

Please visit the GOV.SI Portal. The hyperlinks leading to the latest list of holdings with a status can be found on the right-hand side of the screen:

  • Holdings with a controlled risk = Seznam Statusi KP nadzorovano tveganje
  • Holdings with a negligible risk = Seznam Statusi KP zanemarljivo tveganje

Spain (ES)


Sweden (SE)

Sweden has been granted the status of country with a negligible risk of classical scrapie. Consequently, all sheep and goats holdings in Sweden are automatically considered as having a negligible risk of classical scrapie


Other EEA Countries

Iceland (IS)


Norway (NO)


Other countries with special agreements

Switzerland (CH)