31st March – Sixteenth meeting of the Platform - Hybrid format
- Agenda
- Webstreaming
- Hashtag: #EU4AnimalWelfare
Previous meetings
17th & 18th June – Fifteenth meeting of the Platform - Hybrid format
- Agenda
- Minutes
- List of participants
- Webstreaming 17 June
- Webstreaming 18 June
- Hashtag: #EU4AnimalWelfare
- Leaflet: Best Practices Hens
- Leaflet: Care4Dairy
- Presentations:
- 1. Update on the Belgian Presidency’s work on animal welfare
- 2. EC SWD summarising Evidence supporting the proposal on the welfare and traceability of dogs and cats
- 3. Update on EFSA’s activities related to the welfare of beef cattle, turkeys, animals kept for fur production
- 4. Update from the EU Reference Centres on Animal Welfare (EURCAWs)
- 5. Presentation of the information leaflet on equids working in tourism
5.bis Conclusions VI Equidae 15th Platform meeting - 6. Platform on Animal Welfare for Europe of the World Organisation for AnimalHealth
- 7. Better Training for Safer Food Program – Animal Welfare Courses and Training materials
- 8. ClearFarm – a platform to control animal welfare in pig and dairy cattle farming
- 9. PPILOW - Poultry and Pig Low-input and Organic production systems
- 10. Summary of feedback from citizens and stakeholders on the Commission proposal on the welfare of dogs and cats and their traceability
- 11. Summary of stakeholder feedback on the Commission proposal on the welfare of animals during transport
- 12. Subgroup on animal welfare policy indicators
Previous meetings
7th December - Fourteenth meeting of the Platform - Hybrid format
- Agenda
- Minutes
- List of participants
- Proposal for new rules on the welfare of dogs and cats and their traceability
- Proposal for a Regulation of the Council and European Parliament on the protection of animals during transport
- Webstreaming
- Hashtag: #EU4AnimalWelfare
- EFSA - EU Platform - Recent and new activities on AW
- IA & Transport proposal
- Carcasses transport
- ECI Fur Free Europe
- WelFur - AnimalWelfare
- Proposal on dogs and cats
- Agriculture policy, Animal Welfare and Policy indicators CAP
- Subgroup animal welfare policy indicators
- Extreme breeding
- Voluntary initiative presentation
15th & 16th June – Thirteenth meeting of the Platform - Hybrid format
- Overview report laying hens
- Welfare of laying hens
- Welfare of broilers
- Subgroup Poultry
- Welfare of ducks geese & quails
- Subgroup labelling
- Subgroup on animal transport
- Transport of live animals in the EU
- Voluntary initiative on equids
- The case for a Fur Free Europe
- Calves
- Subgroup calves and dairy cows
- Welfare of dairy cows
- Care4Dairy
- Pig Subgroup
- Ending castration
- Illegal trade of cats and dogs
- Voluntary initiative on dogs
5th & 6th December – Twelfth meeting of the Platform - Hybrid format
- Agenda
- Minutes
- Attendance list
- Webstreaming 5 December
- Webstreaming 6 December AM
- Webstreaming 6 December PM
- Hashtag: #EU4AnimalWelfare
- Presentation of the Commission Staff Working Document “Fitness check of the EU Animal Welfare legislation”
- State of play of the impact assessment for the revision of the animal welfare legislation
- Horizontal provisions of the revised legislation for the welfare of kept animals
- Presentation of EFSA scientific opinion on the welfare of pigs on farm
- Subgroup on the welfare of pigs
- Subgroup on animal welfare at the time of killing
- Presentation of the pilot project on best practices for alternative egg production systems
- Subgroup on the welfare of poultry
- Presentation of EFSA scientific opinion on the welfare of animals during transport
- Subgroup on the protection of animals during transport
- Subgroup on animal welfare labelling
- Subgroup on the welfare of calves and dairy cows
- Subgroups and modes of operation of the Platform in the future
- Work of the voluntary initiative on the health and welfare of pets (dogs) in trade to support the work on the Commission proposals
- Cat and dog welfare in future EU animal welfare legislation
- Voluntary initiative on responsible ownership and care of equidae
30th June & 1st July – Eleventh meeting of the Platform - Hybrid format
- Agenda
- Minutes
- Attendance list
- Conclusions
- Webstreaming 30 June – password: EUanimalMeeting
- Webstreaming 1 July – password: EUanimalMeeting
- Hashtag: #EU4AnimalWelfare
- Video message from Commissioner Kyriakides
- Main outcomes of the online public consultation on the fitness check and revision of the EU animal welfare legislation
- Overview report - the use of indicators for animal welfare at farm level
- Introduction to the sessions dedicated to the work of the subgroups
- Subgroup on the welfare of poultry
- Study on animal welfare labelling
- Subgroup on animal welfare labelling
- African swine fever in the EU
- Subgroup on the welfare of pigs
- Subgroup on animal welfare at the time of killing
- Conclusions of the voluntary initiative on the health and welfare of pets (dogs) in trade
- Update on activities of the voluntary initiative on responsible ownership and care of equidae
- Subgroup on the welfare of calves and dairy cows
- Study on shifting from transport of unweaned male dairy calves over long distance to local rearing and fattening
- Study on economic models to prevent the transport of unfit end-of-career dairy cows
- Subgroup on the protection of animals during transport
10 November – Tenth meeting of the Platform in WebEx video conference
- Outcomes of the call for applications for the Platform members
- Information on the Platform’s digital tool
- Sustainable food system framework
- Update on the progress of the Fitness Check
- EC answer to the ECI End the cage age
- Exchange on the future revision of the legislation - Inception Impact Assessment
- Exchange on the future revision of the legislation - 5 MSs position paper
- Exchange on the future revision of the legislation - Eurogroup for animals’ campaign ‘No animal left behind’
- Exchange on the future revision of the legislation - Copa Cogeca position
- Role of the Platform in the revision of the EU legislation - creation of new subgroups
- Presentation of the H2020 PPILOW project
22 June – Ninth meeting of the Platform in WebEx video conference
- Speech by Commissioner Stella Kyriakides (video message)
- Portuguese Presidency presentation on long distance transport to third countries
- Outcome of the evaluation of the EU Strategy for the Protection and Welfare of Animals 2012-2015
- Preliminary results of the Fitness Check of the EU animal welfare legislation and state of play of the planned impact assessment
- Transport of live animals by sea: update on Commission actions
- Update on the Code of Conduct for responsible business and marketing in relation to animal welfare
- Conclusions of the sub-group on animal welfare labelling
- Guide on best management practice for the welfare of pullets developed by the corresponding voluntary initiative
- Update on activities of the voluntary initiative on responsible ownership and care of equidae
- Update from EFSA on ongoing and upcoming animal welfare scientific opinions
- Third EU Reference Centre for the welfare of ruminants and equines (1/2)
- Third EU Reference Centre for the welfare of ruminants and equines (2/2)
- Educational materials on alternative methods to surgical pig castration
- CLEARFARM- a platform to control animal welfare in pig and dairy cattle farming
3 November – Eighth meeting of the Platform in WebEx video conference
- German Presidency priorities regarding animal welfare
- Overview of the DG Sante ongoing activities under the Farm to Fork Strategy
- Mandates and planning of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA)
- Selection process and composition of the subgroup on animal welfare labelling and the outcomes of its first meeting
- Conclusions of the voluntary initiative on responsible ownership and care of equidae
- Conclusions of the voluntary initiative on the health and welfare of pets (dogs) in trade
- Conclusions endorsed at the 8th meeting of the EU Platform on Animal Welfare
- Activities of the voluntary initiative on piglets: alternatives for surgical castration
- Introduction to the Commission’s procedure for the European Citizens' Initiative
- The End the Cage Age European Citizens’ Initiative by Compassion in World Farming
- The ban of laying hens in cages by the Czech Republic
- EU Reference Centres for the welfare of pigs: activities on training inspectors
15 June – Seventh meeting of the Platform in WebEx video conference
- Croatian Presidency presentation on the illegal trade of pet animals
- Animal welfare within the Farm to Fork strategy
- Mid-term findings of the evaluation of the EU Strategy 2012-2015
- Follow up of the documents produced by the subgroups and subgroup on labelling
- Responsible ownership and care of equidae
- Health and welfare of pets (dogs) in trade
- Welfare of fish
- Conclusions of the Platform
- Work programmes of the EU Reference Centre for Animal Welfare – Small farmed animals
- Work programmes of the EU Reference Centre for Animal Welfare – Pigs
- Third Action plan of the OIE Platform on Animal Welfare for Europe
7 October – Sixth meeting of the Platform in Brussels
- Finnish Presidency priorities regarding animal welfare
- Speech by Commissioner Vytenis Andriukaitis
- Outputs of the Commission’s subgroups
- Responsible ownership and care of equidae
- Health and welfare of pets (dogs) in trade
- Welfare of fish
- Welfare of pullets
- Presentation of the activities of the first EU Reference Centre for Animal Welfare
- Presentation of the Platform's achievements
- Conclusions of the Platform
17 June – Fifth meeting of the Platform in Brussels
- Romanian priorities regarding animal welfare during transport for export purposes
- Roadmap for the evaluation of the EU Strategy for the Protection and Welfare of Animals 2012-2015
- Speech by Commissioner Vytenis Andriukaitis
- Presentation of the outcomes of the third meeting of the subgroup on transport
- (Presentation of the outcomes of the second meeting of the subgroup on the welfare of pigs – NO POWERPOINT)
- Responsible ownership and care of equidae
- Health and welfare of pets (dogs) in trade
- Welfare of fish
- Welfare of pullets
- Results of the Commission Control Plan for the official controls on online sales of dogs and cats
- Spanish governmental campaign “Eres responsable”
- Animal Protection Index
19 November – Fourth meeting of the Platform in Brussels
- Speech by Commissioner Vytenis Andriukaitis
- Austrian priorities on animal welfare
- European Court of Auditors’ report on animal welfare audit
- Presentation of a forthcoming DG SANTE project “Quality controls and indicators for animal welfare”
- Responsible ownership and care of equidae
- Health and welfare of pets (dogs) in trade
- Welfare of fish
- Welfare of pullets
- Presentation by the Commission of the Platform Digital Tool
- First European Union Reference Centre for Animal Welfare
- A third country experience: New Zealand
21 June – Third meeting of the Platform in Brussels
- Agenda
- Minutes
- Attendance list
- Minutes 1st Meeting of the subgroup Transport
- Subgroup on pig welfare_Mandate
- Subgroup on pig welfare_Annex
- EC Study on the welfare of farmed fish
- Summary of the EC study on the welfare of farmed fish
- EC Report on the protection of fish at killing
- EC Study on the impact of animal welfare international activities
- EC report on the impact of animal welfare international activities
- Speech by Commissioner Vytenis Andriukaitis
- Bulgarian Presidency activities on Animal Welfare
- Presentation of the outcomes of the first meeting of the subgroup on transport
- Presentation of the scope and terms of reference of the subgroup on the welfare of pigs
- Welfare of farmed fish - State’s perspective: Norway
- Welfare of farmed fish - Industry Perspective: FEAP
- Welfare of farmed fish - Animal welfare organisation’s perspective: Eurogroup for Animals
- Commission's Report on the impact of animal welfare international activities on the competitiveness of European livestock producers in a globalized world
- EU Coordinated Control Plan on online sales of dogs and cats
- The Digital Tool of the EU Platform on Animal Welfare
- Voluntary Initiative on improving health & welfare of pets (dogs) in trade
- Stunning in ritual slaughter in Slovenia
- Responsible ownership and care of equidae: outcome of the Platform’s Members own initiative
10 November – Second meeting of the Platform in Brussels
- EU Platform on Animal Welfare - Vytenis Andriukaitis, Commissioner for Health and Food Safety
- Animal Welfare Technologies in Estonia - Olev Kalda CVO, Food Safety VFB, Estonia
- COM ongoing activities on animal transport
- Scope and terms of reference of the sub-group on animal transport - Directorate General for Health and Food Safety, G 2 and F 2
- Unwanted Horses – an NGO perspective - Roly Owers MRCVS Chief Executive, World Horse Welfare
- Unwanted horses Ireland’s views and experiences - Brid Farrell, Department of Agriculture Food and the Marine
- Horse welfare and unwanted horses: industry perspective - European Commission – Brussels Albert Borschette Conference Center
- The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and its Network on Animal Health and Welfare (AHAW) - Chiara Fabris Scientific officer, AHAW team, ALPHA Unit
- Animal Transport Guides a tool box for the transport industry to comply with 1/2005 - Hans Spoolder, Kees de Roest, Elena Nalon, Marc Billiet and Nancy De Briyne
6 June – Inaugural meeting of the Platform in Brussels
- Keeping EU leadership on animal welfare - Vytenis Andriukaitis, Commissioner for Health and Food Safety
- Member States as key players - Paula Calamatta, Maltese Presidency of the Council of the European Union, Head of Unit for Agriculture and Fisheries, Veterinary and Phytosanitary Attaché
- What is the Commission doing to promote EU standards in the world? – Eva Zamora Escribano, Head of Unit G2, Animal Health and Welfare, Directorate General for Health and Food Safety
- What is the World Organisation for Animal Health doing on animal welfare in Europe? - Nadège Leboucq, Sub-Regional Representative of World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE), Brussels
- Animal welfare label - Katharina Kluge, Head of Animal Welfare Unit, Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture, Germany
- European Declaration on pig castration - Gé Backus, Director, Agri and Food, Netherlands