31st March – Sixteenth meeting of the Platform - Hybrid format
Next week, DG SANTE will host the 16th meeting of the EU Platform on Animal Welfare, the first under this new College. Commissioner Várhelyi will deliver a speech to outline the priorities for his mandate.
The meeting will include a presentation of the Vision for Agriculture and Food, and launch the consultations and exchanges with stakeholders, in particular farmers, the food chain and civil society, that will guide the Commission in the preparation of proposals on the revision of the existing animal welfare legislation, as announced in that Vision. For this meeting, two round tables will focus on priorities for modernising animal welfare legislation for poultry farming and on digitalisation and welfare indicators for poultry. Other sectors will be discussed in subsequent meetings.
In addition, the meeting’s agenda includes a state of play on the European Parliament’s work on the two animal welfare legislative proposals (on the protection of animals during transport and the welfare of dogs and cats), and an overview by the Polish Presidency on the ongoing work in the Council of the EU on the legislative proposal on transport. Full agenda is available below.
- Agenda
- Webstreaming
- Hashtag: #EU4AnimalWelfare
Previous meetings
17th & 18th June – Fifteenth meeting of the Platform - Hybrid format
- Agenda
- Minutes
- List of participants
- Webstreaming 17 June
- Webstreaming 18 June
- Hashtag: #EU4AnimalWelfare
- Leaflet: Best Practices Hens
- Leaflet: Care4Dairy
- Presentations:
- 1. Update on the Belgian Presidency’s work on animal welfare
- 2. EC SWD summarising Evidence supporting the proposal on the welfare and traceability of dogs and cats
- 3. Update on EFSA’s activities related to the welfare of beef cattle, turkeys, animals kept for fur production
- 4. Update from the EU Reference Centres on Animal Welfare (EURCAWs)
- 5. Presentation of the information leaflet on equids working in tourism
5.bis Conclusions VI Equidae 15th Platform meeting - 6. Platform on Animal Welfare for Europe of the World Organisation for AnimalHealth
- 7. Better Training for Safer Food Program – Animal Welfare Courses and Training materials
- 8. ClearFarm – a platform to control animal welfare in pig and dairy cattle farming
- 9. PPILOW - Poultry and Pig Low-input and Organic production systems
- 10. Summary of feedback from citizens and stakeholders on the Commission proposal on the welfare of dogs and cats and their traceability
- 11. Summary of stakeholder feedback on the Commission proposal on the welfare of animals during transport
- 12. Subgroup on animal welfare policy indicators
Previous meetings
7th December - Fourteenth meeting of the Platform - Hybrid format
- Agenda
- Minutes
- List of participants
- Proposal for new rules on the welfare of dogs and cats and their traceability
- Proposal for a Regulation of the Council and European Parliament on the protection of animals during transport
- Webstreaming
- Hashtag: #EU4AnimalWelfare
- EFSA - EU Platform - Recent and new activities on AW
- IA & Transport proposal
- Carcasses transport
- ECI Fur Free Europe
- WelFur - AnimalWelfare
- Proposal on dogs and cats
- Agriculture policy, Animal Welfare and Policy indicators CAP
- Subgroup animal welfare policy indicators
- Extreme breeding
- Voluntary initiative presentation
15th & 16th June – Thirteenth meeting of the Platform - Hybrid format
- Overview report laying hens
- Welfare of laying hens
- Welfare of broilers
- Subgroup Poultry
- Welfare of ducks geese & quails
- Subgroup labelling
- Subgroup on animal transport
- Transport of live animals in the EU
- Voluntary initiative on equids
- The case for a Fur Free Europe
- Calves
- Subgroup calves and dairy cows
- Welfare of dairy cows
- Care4Dairy
- Pig Subgroup
- Ending castration
- Illegal trade of cats and dogs
- Voluntary initiative on dogs
5th & 6th December – Twelfth meeting of the Platform - Hybrid format
- Agenda
- Minutes
- Attendance list
- Webstreaming 5 December
- Webstreaming 6 December AM
- Webstreaming 6 December PM
- Hashtag: #EU4AnimalWelfare
- Presentation of the Commission Staff Working Document “Fitness check of the EU Animal Welfare legislation”
- State of play of the impact assessment for the revision of the animal welfare legislation
- Horizontal provisions of the revised legislation for the welfare of kept animals
- Presentation of EFSA scientific opinion on the welfare of pigs on farm
- Subgroup on the welfare of pigs
- Subgroup on animal welfare at the time of killing
- Presentation of the pilot project on best practices for alternative egg production systems
- Subgroup on the welfare of poultry
- Presentation of EFSA scientific opinion on the welfare of animals during transport
- Subgroup on the protection of animals during transport
- Subgroup on animal welfare labelling
- Subgroup on the welfare of calves and dairy cows
- Subgroups and modes of operation of the Platform in the future
- Work of the voluntary initiative on the health and welfare of pets (dogs) in trade to support the work on the Commission proposals
- Cat and dog welfare in future EU animal welfare legislation
- Voluntary initiative on responsible ownership and care of equidae
30th June & 1st July – Eleventh meeting of the Platform - Hybrid format
- Agenda
- Minutes
- Attendance list
- Conclusions
- Webstreaming 30 June – password: EUanimalMeeting
- Webstreaming 1 July – password: EUanimalMeeting
- Hashtag: #EU4AnimalWelfare
- Video message from Commissioner Kyriakides
- Main outcomes of the online public consultation on the fitness check and revision of the EU animal welfare legislation
- Overview report - the use of indicators for animal welfare at farm level
- Introduction to the sessions dedicated to the work of the subgroups
- Subgroup on the welfare of poultry
- Study on animal welfare labelling
- Subgroup on animal welfare labelling
- African swine fever in the EU
- Subgroup on the welfare of pigs
- Subgroup on animal welfare at the time of killing
- Conclusions of the voluntary initiative on the health and welfare of pets (dogs) in trade
- Update on activities of the voluntary initiative on responsible ownership and care of equidae
- Subgroup on the welfare of calves and dairy cows
- Study on shifting from transport of unweaned male dairy calves over long distance to local rearing and fattening
- Study on economic models to prevent the transport of unfit end-of-career dairy cows
- Subgroup on the protection of animals during transport
10 November – Tenth meeting of the Platform in WebEx video conference
- Outcomes of the call for applications for the Platform members
- Information on the Platform’s digital tool
- Sustainable food system framework
- Update on the progress of the Fitness Check
- EC answer to the ECI End the cage age
- Exchange on the future revision of the legislation - Inception Impact Assessment
- Exchange on the future revision of the legislation - 5 MSs position paper
- Exchange on the future revision of the legislation - Eurogroup for animals’ campaign ‘No animal left behind’
- Exchange on the future revision of the legislation - Copa Cogeca position
- Role of the Platform in the revision of the EU legislation - creation of new subgroups
- Presentation of the H2020 PPILOW project
22 June – Ninth meeting of the Platform in WebEx video conference
- Speech by Commissioner Stella Kyriakides (video message)
- Portuguese Presidency presentation on long distance transport to third countries
- Outcome of the evaluation of the EU Strategy for the Protection and Welfare of Animals 2012-2015
- Preliminary results of the Fitness Check of the EU animal welfare legislation and state of play of the planned impact assessment
- Transport of live animals by sea: update on Commission actions
- Update on the Code of Conduct for responsible business and marketing in relation to animal welfare
- Conclusions of the sub-group on animal welfare labelling
- Guide on best management practice for the welfare of pullets developed by the corresponding voluntary initiative
- Update on activities of the voluntary initiative on responsible ownership and care of equidae
- Update from EFSA on ongoing and upcoming animal welfare scientific opinions
- Third EU Reference Centre for the welfare of ruminants and equines (1/2)
- Third EU Reference Centre for the welfare of ruminants and equines (2/2)
- Educational materials on alternative methods to surgical pig castration
- CLEARFARM- a platform to control animal welfare in pig and dairy cattle farming
3 November – Eighth meeting of the Platform in WebEx video conference
- German Presidency priorities regarding animal welfare
- Overview of the DG Sante ongoing activities under the Farm to Fork Strategy
- Mandates and planning of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA)
- Selection process and composition of the subgroup on animal welfare labelling and the outcomes of its first meeting
- Conclusions of the voluntary initiative on responsible ownership and care of equidae
- Conclusions of the voluntary initiative on the health and welfare of pets (dogs) in trade
- Conclusions endorsed at the 8th meeting of the EU Platform on Animal Welfare
- Activities of the voluntary initiative on piglets: alternatives for surgical castration
- Introduction to the Commission’s procedure for the European Citizens' Initiative
- The End the Cage Age European Citizens’ Initiative by Compassion in World Farming
- The ban of laying hens in cages by the Czech Republic
- EU Reference Centres for the welfare of pigs: activities on training inspectors
15 June – Seventh meeting of the Platform in WebEx video conference
- Croatian Presidency presentation on the illegal trade of pet animals
- Animal welfare within the Farm to Fork strategy
- Mid-term findings of the evaluation of the EU Strategy 2012-2015
- Follow up of the documents produced by the subgroups and subgroup on labelling
- Responsible ownership and care of equidae
- Health and welfare of pets (dogs) in trade
- Welfare of fish
- Conclusions of the Platform
- Work programmes of the EU Reference Centre for Animal Welfare – Small farmed animals
- Work programmes of the EU Reference Centre for Animal Welfare – Pigs
- Third Action plan of the OIE Platform on Animal Welfare for Europe
7 October – Sixth meeting of the Platform in Brussels
- Finnish Presidency priorities regarding animal welfare
- Speech by Commissioner Vytenis Andriukaitis
- Outputs of the Commission’s subgroups
- Responsible ownership and care of equidae
- Health and welfare of pets (dogs) in trade
- Welfare of fish
- Welfare of pullets
- Presentation of the activities of the first EU Reference Centre for Animal Welfare
- Presentation of the Platform's achievements
- Conclusions of the Platform
17 June – Fifth meeting of the Platform in Brussels
- Romanian priorities regarding animal welfare during transport for export purposes
- Roadmap for the evaluation of the EU Strategy for the Protection and Welfare of Animals 2012-2015
- Speech by Commissioner Vytenis Andriukaitis
- Presentation of the outcomes of the third meeting of the subgroup on transport
- (Presentation of the outcomes of the second meeting of the subgroup on the welfare of pigs – NO POWERPOINT)
- Responsible ownership and care of equidae
- Health and welfare of pets (dogs) in trade
- Welfare of fish
- Welfare of pullets
- Results of the Commission Control Plan for the official controls on online sales of dogs and cats
- Spanish governmental campaign “Eres responsable”
- Animal Protection Index
19 November – Fourth meeting of the Platform in Brussels
- Speech by Commissioner Vytenis Andriukaitis
- Austrian priorities on animal welfare
- European Court of Auditors’ report on animal welfare audit
- Presentation of a forthcoming DG SANTE project “Quality controls and indicators for animal welfare”
- Responsible ownership and care of equidae
- Health and welfare of pets (dogs) in trade
- Welfare of fish
- Welfare of pullets
- Presentation by the Commission of the Platform Digital Tool
- First European Union Reference Centre for Animal Welfare
- A third country experience: New Zealand
21 June – Third meeting of the Platform in Brussels
- Agenda
- Minutes
- Attendance list
- Minutes 1st Meeting of the subgroup Transport
- Subgroup on pig welfare_Mandate
- Subgroup on pig welfare_Annex
- EC Study on the welfare of farmed fish
- Summary of the EC study on the welfare of farmed fish
- EC Report on the protection of fish at killing
- EC Study on the impact of animal welfare international activities
- EC report on the impact of animal welfare international activities
- Speech by Commissioner Vytenis Andriukaitis
- Bulgarian Presidency activities on Animal Welfare
- Presentation of the outcomes of the first meeting of the subgroup on transport
- Presentation of the scope and terms of reference of the subgroup on the welfare of pigs
- Welfare of farmed fish - State’s perspective: Norway
- Welfare of farmed fish - Industry Perspective: FEAP
- Welfare of farmed fish - Animal welfare organisation’s perspective: Eurogroup for Animals
- Commission's Report on the impact of animal welfare international activities on the competitiveness of European livestock producers in a globalized world
- EU Coordinated Control Plan on online sales of dogs and cats
- The Digital Tool of the EU Platform on Animal Welfare
- Voluntary Initiative on improving health & welfare of pets (dogs) in trade
- Stunning in ritual slaughter in Slovenia
- Responsible ownership and care of equidae: outcome of the Platform’s Members own initiative
10 November – Second meeting of the Platform in Brussels
- EU Platform on Animal Welfare - Vytenis Andriukaitis, Commissioner for Health and Food Safety
- Animal Welfare Technologies in Estonia - Olev Kalda CVO, Food Safety VFB, Estonia
- COM ongoing activities on animal transport
- Scope and terms of reference of the sub-group on animal transport - Directorate General for Health and Food Safety, G 2 and F 2
- Unwanted Horses – an NGO perspective - Roly Owers MRCVS Chief Executive, World Horse Welfare
- Unwanted horses Ireland’s views and experiences - Brid Farrell, Department of Agriculture Food and the Marine
- Horse welfare and unwanted horses: industry perspective - European Commission – Brussels Albert Borschette Conference Center
- The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and its Network on Animal Health and Welfare (AHAW) - Chiara Fabris Scientific officer, AHAW team, ALPHA Unit
- Animal Transport Guides a tool box for the transport industry to comply with 1/2005 - Hans Spoolder, Kees de Roest, Elena Nalon, Marc Billiet and Nancy De Briyne
6 June – Inaugural meeting of the Platform in Brussels
- Keeping EU leadership on animal welfare - Vytenis Andriukaitis, Commissioner for Health and Food Safety
- Member States as key players - Paula Calamatta, Maltese Presidency of the Council of the European Union, Head of Unit for Agriculture and Fisheries, Veterinary and Phytosanitary Attaché
- What is the Commission doing to promote EU standards in the world? – Eva Zamora Escribano, Head of Unit G2, Animal Health and Welfare, Directorate General for Health and Food Safety
- What is the World Organisation for Animal Health doing on animal welfare in Europe? - Nadège Leboucq, Sub-Regional Representative of World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE), Brussels
- Animal welfare label - Katharina Kluge, Head of Animal Welfare Unit, Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture, Germany
- European Declaration on pig castration - Gé Backus, Director, Agri and Food, Netherlands