Veterinary border control - European Commission
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Food Safety

Veterinary border control

The veterinary border control is a key factor to ensure that the live animals and animal products entering to the European Union are safe and meeting the conditions for entry laid down in the Union legislation.

The imported live animals and animal products present the highest level of risks as they can transmit serious human and animal diseases. Therefore it is necessary to subject them to specific controls at their point of entry, so called Border Control Posts (BCPs).

A consignment of live animals or animal products can only enter into the EU, if it has satisfactorily undergone the specific checks and a Common Health Entry Document (CHED) is issued from TRACES (TRAde Control and Expert System).

TRACES is a centralised database which allows the monitoring of consignments of live animals and animal products checked at the BCPs. 

TRACES may automatically exchange data on import controls with customs authorities, which has enabled DG TAXUD and DG SANTE to develop an EU Single Window project.

Further information