efsa-management-board - European Commission
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Call for expressions of interest for the position of member of EFSA's Management Board

Call for expressions of interest - prolonged until 20 September

For the position of members representing civil society and food chain interests on the Management Board of the European Food Safety Authority.

As of 1 July 2022, a new composition of the Management Board of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) will be put in place. Applications are therefore invited for the positions of members of the Management Board of the European Food Safety Authority demonstrating active involvement in organisations representing civil society and food chain interests. The duration of the term of office of the new members, will be four years, starting 1 July 2022.

Please note that only applications from candidates demonstrating that at the time of application they represent consumer organisations, environmental organisations, farmers’ organisations or industry organisations will be retained.

This call will result in a Commission list of candidates, from which the Council will appoint:

  • one member and one alternate member from consumer organisations;
  • one member and one alternate member from environmental non-governmental organisations;
  • one member and one alternate member from farmers’ organisations; and,
  • one member and one alternate member from industry organisations.

On 23 June 2021 the Commission opened a call for expressions of interest for the position of members on the Management Board. The final deadline for submission of applications is 20 September 2021 at 12:00 (noon).

To apply online:

Applicants are invited to apply on-line by using the online application form.

The form should be submitted by the means of a "submit" button embedded in the form. After submission, the form should be downloaded and saved in pdf format. Please bear in mind that you must attach a CV, a reference letter from the organisation represented at the time of application, and a signed declaration of interest form (which you can find below).

Other relevant documents:

If you wish to apply in another language than English:

If you wish to submit your application in an official language of the European Union other than English, you may fill in the English form in your preferred language or contact the call secretariat by e-mail to SANTE-CALL-AGENCIES@ec.europa.eu and request an application form in your preferred language. The completed application form, the CV, the reference letter from an organisation and the completed declaration of interest form should be returned to: SANTE-CALL-AGENCIES@ec.europa.eu

However, it is noted that the Call for Applications provides that a very good command of English is essential and a requirement of the Call.

Closed Call for expressions of interest

For the position of member of the Management Board of the European Food Safety Authority from 7 April 2021 (2021/C 118/05). Replacement of outgoing member of the Management Board of the European Food Safety Authority.

The deadline for applications for this call was 7 May 2021.

List of candidates

List of candidates for submission to the Council and the European Parliament with a view to the appointment of one member of the Management Board of the European Food Safety Authority adopted by Commission Decision of 13.07.2021 C(2021) 5122 final.

Candidates having background in organisations representing consumers and other interests in the food chain







* Background in organisations representing other interests in the food chain.
** Background in organisations representing consumers.