PAFF committees - European Commission
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Food Safety

PAFF committees

What they do

Standing Committees deliver opinions that inform the Commission's work on measures that it is planning. Such measures relate to the implementation of legislation that is already adopted.

The Commission consults the relevant committee depending on the policy area: food & feed safety, animal health & welfare and plant health. Committee members are national experts who represent EU governments and public authorities.

Standing Committee on Plants, Animals, Food and Feed

The Standing Committee on Plants, Animals, Food and Feed (PAFF Committee) plays a key role in ensuring that Union measures on food and feed safety, animal health & welfare as well as plant health are practical and effective. It delivers opinions on draft measures that the Commission intends to adopt. For more information you should visit the Comitology Register.

The PAFF Committee is composed by representatives of all EU countries and presided by a European Commission representative.

The PAFF Committee's mandate covers the entire food supply chain - from animal health issues on the farm to the product on the consumer's table - helping the EU deal effectively with health risks at every stage of the production chain.

Calendar of Committee meetings

Sections of the PAFF committee

The Standing Committee on Plants, Animals, Food and Feed is divided into 14 different sections. By clicking on the Committee name you will be redirected to a page where you can find agendas and short reports of the different sections: