Better Training for Safer Food - European Commission
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Food Safety

Better Training for Safer Food

BTSF is a European Commission training initiative to improve the knowledge and implementation of EU rules covering food and feed law, animal health and welfare, ONE HEALTH, as well as rules on plant health and plant protection products.

The BTSF Academy is the single multilingual learning and information portal on BTSF activities for competent authorities and stakeholders in Member States and non-EU countries. Here you can find the relevant information, guidance, and get access to all of the information below in multilingual format:

  • training courses (e-Learning, face-to-face courses and virtual classrooms)
  • training material library, including all training presentations, published reports, videos, and calls for tender
  • contact details for BTSF National Contact Points

To learn more about these and related resources, please visit the BTSF Academy website.