Call for expressions of interest for posts as they become available.
By accessing the Better Regulation Portal, interested citizens and stakeholders can share their views on important activities like inception impact...
In October 2010, the Commission initiated the "fitness check" exercise which aims to review an entire body of legislation in a certain policy area...
- Performance Evaluation of European Food Safety Authority
- Expert group on General Food Law and sustainability of food systems
- Fitness check of General Food Law
- Food law general principles
- Food law general requirements
- Food law procedures
- Implementation of the Transparency Regulation
- Training and support
- Transparency and sustainability of the EU risk assessment in the food chain
- Legislative framework for sustainable food systems
- Sustainable food consumption
- Food loss and waste prevention
- International dimension
- Sustainable food processing, wholesale, retail, hospitality and food services
- Sustainable food production
- Farm to Fork conference - Building sustainable food systems together