Stakeholders’ consultation - European Commission
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Food Safety

About the consultations

Stakeholder consultations are an important instrument for evidence-based policymaking. In this study, the Commission’s goal was to collect technical information, practical experiences and views on New Genomic Techniques (NGTs) from Member States and relevant EU-level stakeholders via targeted consultations. Both consultations were conducted in the form of online questionnaires.

  • The EU Member States draft questionnaire was discussed, finalised and endorsed at a Joint Working Group of Member States GMO competent authorities held in Brussels on 15 January 2020. The final questionnaire was made available to the Member States via EUsurvey. The authorities were invited to consult further at national level in order to complement their replies.
  • The targeted stakeholder consultation involved EU-level stakeholder organisations that could be directly or indirectly impacted and/or have potential interest in NGTs (see list below). The questionnaire was discussed and finalised during a stakeholder meeting held in Brussels on 10 February 2020. The final questionnaire was made available to stakeholders via EUsurvey.

Replies from Member States

  • EEA countries (spontaneous submissions)
  • Norway

Replies from Stakeholders

107 stakeholders were invited to participate; 71 confirmed their interest and received the questionnaire; 58 provided replies

  1. Alliance for Regenerative Medicine (ARM)
  2. Animal Health Europe
  3. Aquaculture Advisory Council (AAC)
  4. Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Gentechnik-frei erzeugte Lebensmittel (ARGE) & Verband Lebensmittel ohne Gentechnik (VLOG)*
  6. Association of Manufacturers and Formulators of Enzyme Products (AMFEP)
  7. Bio-based Industry Consortium (BIC)
  8. Birdlife international
  9. International Community of Breeders of Asexually Reproduced Horticultural Plants (CIOPORA)
  10. Comité Européen des Entreprises Vins (CEEV)
  11. Committee of Professional Agricultural Organisations (COPA)
  12. Compassion in World Farming EU (CIWF)
  13. Confederation of European Paper Industries (CEPI)
  14. Corporate Europe Observatory (CEO)
  15. Cosmetics Europe
  16. Dachverband Kulturpflanzen- und Nutztiervielfalt e.V.*
  17. EU association of specialty feed ingredients and their mixtures (FEFANA)
  18. EU Fish Processors and Traders Association (AIPCE-CEP)
  19. EU Vegetable Oil and Protein Meal Association (FEDIOL)
  20. EuroCommerce
  21. Eurocoop
  22. Eurogroup for Animals
  23. EuropaBio
  24. European Academies’ Science and Advisory Council (EASAC)
  25. European Agricultural Machinery Association (CEMA)
  26. European Aquaculture Technology and Innovation Platform (EATIP)
  27. European Association of cereals, rice, feedstuffs, oilseeds, olive oil, oils and fats and agrosupply trade (COCERAL)
  28. European Association of Professional Portside Storekeepers (UNISTOCK Europe)
  29. European Association of Sugar Manufacturers (CEFS)
  30. European Biopharmaceutical Enterprises (EBE)
  31. European Bioplastics
  32. European Chemical Industry Council (CEFIC)
  33. European Cocoa Association (ECA)
  34. European Consortium for Organic Plant Breeding (ECO-PB)
  35. European Consumer Organisation (BEUC)
  36. European Coordination via Campesina (ECVC)
  37. European Council of Young Farmers (CEJA)
  38. European Crop Care Association (ECCA)
  39. European Crop Protection Association (ECPA)
  40. European Environmental Bureau (EEB)
  41. European Fat Processors and Renderers Association (EFPRA)
  42. European Federation for Cosmetic Ingredients (EFCI)
  43. European Federation of Associations of Health Product Manufacturers (EHPM)
  44. European Federation of Biotechnology (EFB)
  45. European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA)
  46. European Feed Manufacturers’ Federation (FEFAC)
  47. European Fermentation Group (EFG)
  48. European Flavour Association (EFFA)
  49. European Flour Millers (EFM)
  50. European Food and Feed Cultures Association (EFFCA)
  51. European Former Foodstuff Processors Association (EFFPA)
  52. European Forum of Farm Animal Breeders (EFFAB)
  53. European Landowners Association (ELO)
  54. European Livestock and Meat Traders Union (UECBV)
  55. European Mobile Seed Association (EMSA)
  56. European Network of Scientists for Social and Environmental Responsibility (ENSSER)
  57. European Nurserystock Association (ENA)
  58. European Organic Certifiers Council (EOCC)
  59. European Organisation of Cosmetic Ingredients, Industries and Services (UNITIS)
  60. European Plant Science Organisation (EPSO)
  61. European Potato Trade Association (EUROPATAT)
  62. European Poultry Meat Sector (AVEC)
  63. European Primary Food Processing Industry (PFP)
  64. European Professional Beekeepers Association (EPBA)
  65. European Renewable Ethanol Producers (ePURE)
  66. European Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation (TBPM)
  67. European Society of Gene and Cell Therapy (ESGCT)
  68. European Specialist Sport Nutrition Alliance (ESSNA)
  69. European Sustainable Agriculture through Genome Editing (EU-SAGE)
  70. European Traders in Agri-Food Commodities (CELCAA)
  71. European Vegetable Protein Association (EUVEPRO)
  72. Euroseeds
  73. Farmhouse and Artisan Cheese and Dairy Producers European Network (FACE Network)
  74. Federation of European Academies of Medicine (FEAM)
  75. Federation of European Aquaculture producers (FEAP)
  76. Federation of European Rice Millers (FERM)
  77. Federation of Veterinarians of Europe (FVE)
  78. Food and Water Action Europe
  79. Food Supplements Europe (FSE)
  80. FoodDrinkEurope (FDE)
  81. FoodFirst International Action Network (FIAN International)
  82. FoodServiceEurope
  83. Friends of Earth Europe (FoEE)
  84. General Committee for Agricultural Cooperation in the European Union (COGECA)
  85. Greenpeace Europe
  86. Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL)
  87. Independent Retail Europe
  88. Institute for Independent Impact Assessment of Biotechnology (Testbiotech)
  89. Interessengemeinschaft für gentechnikfreie Saatgutarbeit (IG Saatgut)*
  90. International Association of Horticultural Producers (AIPH)
  91. International Biocontrol Manufacturers Association (IBPMA)
  92. International Confederation of European Beet Growers (CIBE)
  93. International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements Europe (IFOAM EU)
  94. International Flower Trade Association (UF)
  95. International Fragrance Association (IFRA)
  96. International Natural and Organic Cosmetics Association (NATRUE)
  97. International Platform of Insects for Food and Feed (IPIFF)
  98. International Society for Cell and Gene Therapy (ISCT)
  99. Maiz’Europ’ (CEPM)
  100. Medical Nutrition International Industry (MNI)
  101. Pesticide Action Network Europe (PAN)
  102. Plants for the Future — European Technology Platform (PlantETP)
  103. Pollinis*
  104. Slow Food
  105. SMEunited
  106. Starch Europe
  107. Total Diet & Meal Replacements Europe (TDMR Europe)

* coordinating and representing national associations in various Member States