Arsenic - European Commission
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Food Safety

Arsenic in food

Arsenic is a widely found contaminant which occurs both naturally and as a result of human activity. Arsenic is a metalloid that occurs in different inorganic and organic – i.e. containing carbon – forms.

These are found in the environment both from natural occurrence and from anthropogenic activity. The inorganic forms of arsenic are more toxic as compared to the organic arsenic.

Across the different age classes, the main contributors to the dietary exposure to inorganic arsenic are rice, rice-based products, other grains and grain-based products and drinking water.

Foods for infants and young children make a relevant contribution in the dietary exposure to inorganic arsenic in this population group. In the adult population vegetables and fish are also apparent sources of inorganic arsenic.

The main adverse effects reported to be associated with long term ingestion of inorganic arsenic in humans are: skin lesions, cancer, developmental toxicity, neurotoxicity, cardiovascular diseases, abnormal glucose metabolism, and diabetes.

There is emerging evidence of negative impacts on foetal and infant development, particularly reduced birth weight.

Children under three years of age are the most exposed to inorganic arsenic. High consumers of rice in Europe, such as certain ethnic groups and high consumers of algae-based products can exceed their tolerable weekly intake for inorganic arsenic.

The available evidence does not indicate a different dietary exposure for vegetarians from that of the general population, unless they consume a large amount of algae-based products.

Due to problems related to analysis of (inorganic) arsenic in a number of food commodities, in 2015 maximum levels for arsenic were initially only set for rice and derived products.

Once reliable analytical methods became available, by means of Commission Recommendation (EU) 2015/1381, Member States were recommended to monitor during 2016, 2017 and 2018 the presence of inorganic arsenic in a wide variety of food products.

On the basis of the gathered data, EFSA published in 2021 its Scientific Report on the chronic dietary exposure to inorganic arsenic. On the basis of this report, new MLs were established for various food items and the existing MLs were reviewed, which will help to reduce the consumer exposure to arsenic.

In 2023 EFSA adopted its scientific opinion on an update of the risk assessment on inorganic arsenic in food.  It concluded that the chronic intake of inorganic arsenic via the diet and/or drinking water is associated with increased risk of several adverse outcomes including cancers of the skin, bladder and  lung. Inorganic  arsenic is a genotoxic carcinogen and the current dietary exposure raises a health concern despite the uncertainties.

By means of Regulation (EU) 2023/465 the maximum level for inorganic arsenic in polished or white rice was lowered and new maximum levels for inorganic arsenic were set for additional rice-based products, food for infants and young children and fruit juices and nectars. Also the Codex maximum level of 0.50 mg/kg total arsenic in salt was included in the EU contaminants legislation.

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