Novel Food status Catalogue - European Commission
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Novel Food status Catalogue (New)

As of 16 November 2023, a revised version of the Novel Food status Catalogue has replaced the former version. This revised version adds new foods (algal species and food cultures), updates the novel foods status of the foods listed in the catalogue and brings the following new features:

  • By default, the full list of Foods is displayed on the left.
  • The user can filter the list by entering the name of a Food in the search field or by typing the beginning of the Food name. The dropdown list is filtering as you type.
  • The user can filter the Food list by clicking one letter of the alphabet, the list then will be filtered out with all the Foods having a name starting with the selected letter.
  • By clicking the name of a Food from the list, the system will display the details linked to the selected Food
  • An explanation about the different novel food status of the Food can be found by clicking the "What does it mean?" link.

Please note that the new Novel Food status Catalogue is a non-binding tool that lists products of animal and plant origin, algal species, food cultures and other substances subject to the Novel Food Regulation, based on information provided by the EU Member States. This should be read in conjunction with the Union list of novel foods

It is a non-exhaustive list and serves as orientation on whether a product will need an authorisation under the Novel Food Regulation. EU countries may restrict the marketing of a product through specific legislation. For information, businesses should contact their national authorities.

In some cases, information is shown regarding the history of use of food supplements and ingredients used exclusively in food supplements in the EU countries. If foods and/or food ingredients were used exclusively in food supplements, new uses in other foods require authorisation under the Novel Food Regulation.

How to amend the Catalogue

The Commission amends the Catalogue as EU countries send in new information.

Businesses submit information to the national authorities of the respective EU country for verification e.g. the history of significant consumption of a food or food ingredient prior to 15 May 1997 in the EU.

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