Management of Schmallenberg Virus, Brussels
The objective of the seminar was to present the latest scientific data on Schmallenberg virus and the EU risk management approach.
Scientific data on Schmallenberg virus: epidemiology, pathogenesis and its impact on livestock production
- Epidemiology of the Schmallenberg virus
Ana Afonso (EFSA) - The Virus in Ruminants
Franz Conraths (DE-FLI) - Transmission of the Virus
Stephan Zientara (FR- ANSESS) - Prevalence Studies in Animals
Armin Elbers (NL-CVI) - The Impact of the Infection: Country Indicators
Yves Van Der Stede (BE-CODA-CERVA) - Schmallenberg Virus, an Animal Virus?First and second presentations.
Marion Koopmans (NL-RIVM) and Katrin Leitmeyer (ECDC) - OIE Technical Fact Sheet
Elisabeth Erlacher-Vindel (OIE)
Risk management of Schmallenberg virus
- Akabane and Other Simbu Viruses: Epidemiology, Pathogenesis and Impact
Peter Kirkland (Australia) - The Australian Risk Management Approach for Akabane
Peter Kirkland (Australia) - Diagnostic Tools. What is available?
Falko Steinbach (UK-AHVLA) - Scientific Studies in the EU
Francesco Berlingieri (DG SANCO) - Risk Management and Control Strategy in the EU
Francisco Reviriego Gordejo (DG SANCO)