About this initiative
The European Citizens' Initiative (ECI) 'End the Cage Age' calls on the Commission to propose legislation to prohibit the use of cages for EU farmed animals for:
- laying hens, rabbits, pullets, broiler breeders, layer breeders, quail, ducks and geese;
- farrowing crates for sows;
- sow stalls, where not already prohibited;
- individual calf pens, where not already prohibited.
Within one year, the organisers of the ECI, with the support of more than 170 non-governmental organisations across Europe, collected 1.4 million signatures from supporters throughout the EU.
Detailed information on this ECI is available on the website of the organisers and on the dedicated Commission's 'End the Cage Age' webpage.
Response of the Commission
On 30 June 2021, the Commission decided to positively respond to the ECI. In its communication the Commission sets out plans for a legislative proposal to prohibit cages for the species and categories of animals covered by the ECI and to consider options for introducing rules or standards for imported products that are equivalent to the EU’s and/or a labelling requirement, in compliance with WTO rules. The Commission will also pursue or implement specific supporting measures in key related policy areas.
The Commission has asked the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) to complement the existing scientific evidence to determine the conditions needed for the prohibition of the use of cages. Scientific opinions were adopted by EFSA on the welfare on farm of pigs (2022), broilers, addressing also broiler breeders (2022), laying hens, addressing also layer breeders and pullets (2022), ducks, geese and quail (2023) and of calves (2023). The Commission also has started a series of stakeholder consultations in 2022, including in the context of subgroups of the EU Animal Welfare Platform (on poultry, on ruminants and on pigs).
To facilitate a balanced and economically viable transition to cage-free farming, in which the competitiveness of the sectors concerned is further improved, the Commission is pursuing supporting measures in key related policy areas, such as research and innovation. Several research projects such as the “Sustainability aspects of AW-promoting livestock systems” under the European Partnership on Animal Health and Welfare, may be relevant in this context.
The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) provides financial support and incentives – such as the new eco-schemes instrument – to help farmers upgrade to more animal-friendly facilities. In its recommendations for the National Strategic Plans under the CAP, the Commission has regularly recommended the Member States to make efforts to promote e.g. the production of eggs under non-cage systems for laying hens.
Next steps
As established by the Vision for Agriculture and Food adopted on 19 February 2025, building on the recommendations of the Strategic Dialogue on the Future of EU Agriculture, the Commission will closely exchange with farmers, the food chain and civil society. On that basis, the Commission will present proposals on the revision of the existing EU animal welfare legislation, including its commitment to phase out cages. The Commission will also pursue, in line with international rules, a stronger alignment of animal welfare standards applied to imported animals and food.
This revision will be based on the latest scientific evidence and take into account the socio-economic impact on farmers and the agri-food chain, providing support and appropriate, species-specific transition periods and pathways.
The Commission will continue to develop supporting measures, such as best practices, guidelines, recommendations and studies, for the promotion of and the transition to non-cage farming. In addition, the Commission will further consider which role animal welfare labelling and public procurement might play in this context.
Supporting measures
A pilot project “Best Practice Hens” implemented from 2021 to 2023, aimed to help egg producers meet market demand by providing practical guidance on how to transition to alternative, higher-welfare cage-free systems. Materials developed under this project are published on a dedicated website.
Press release
Please see the press release from 30 June 2021.
On the occasion of the adoption of its communication on ‘End the Cage Age’, the Commission has released a video.