Evaluation (“Fitness Check”) of the EU legislation on the welfare of farmed animals - European Commission
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Evaluation (“Fitness Check”) of the EU legislation on the welfare of farmed animals

On the 20th of May 2020, the Commission adopted the Farm to Fork Strategy. This plan foresees ambitious actions on animal welfare in the context of a more sustainable agriculture. One of these actions concerns launching an evaluation, also called “Fitness Check”, of the EU legislation on the welfare of farmed animals.

This Fitness Check aims to help the Commission to assess the relevance of its current legislative framework composed by five EU Directives and two EU Regulations, covering animal welfare on farms, during transport and at the time of killing.

The Commission described the general outline of this Fitness Check in a Roadmap, published for feedback in May 2020.

The comments received helped to define the further details of the evaluation of the EU legislation on the welfare of farmed animals.

The conclusions of this evaluation are presented in a Commission Staff Working Document published in October 2022.

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