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Food Safety - News (366)
TRACES helps ensure that animals, food, feed and plants are traded safely thereby helping ensure that the food served on 500 million European plates...

EU Member State endorsed Commission’s proposal to establish an EU list of 77 candidates for substitution (pesticides for which national authorities...

This re-opening of the market is a welcome first step to abolish the disproportionate and unjustified US ban that followed the BSE crisis of the 1990...

17 Countries will be benefiting from 7,5 million euros earmarked by the EU to co-finance programmes aiming to monitor pests of plants throughout 2015.

Food Safety concerns everyone and it’s the European Commission work to guarantee this well-being to the 500 million European’s citizens.

About a third of all food produced globally for human consumption is lost or wasted. Everyone can play a role in reducing food waste. For more...