Approved establishments - ABP - European Commission
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Approved establishments - ABP

EU countries, EEA countries: List of approved ABP establishments

EU site per Member State and per sector (frequently updated)

After the 15 of December 2021, Member States create the lists in TRACES NT

List of EU countries' approved establishments in the Animal by-Product field

Other EEA Countries

Other countries with special agreements

NOTICE: The information on this site is subject to a disclaimer. In case of errors, amendments or updates, the competent authority of each Member States should be contacted directly.

Non-EU countries: List of ABP establishment

Please refer to the "Non-EU Countries Authorised Establishments" page, under International Affairs.

The competent authority of a non-EU-country should notify a new establishment or amendments directly in TRACES NT. For detailed instructions please check the establishment amendments list users guide.

EU countries' competent authorities approve and register establishments that handle animal by-products and derived products. They also draw up and make public up-to-date lists of these establishments.

Every national website should show the regrouping of ABP activities that require approval.

Regulation EC 1069/2009: health rules for animal by-products and derived products (repealing Regulation EC 1774/2002) - applied from 4 March 2011.

Technical specifications for the listing format

Technical specifications for the format for the lists of approved or registered establishments, plants or operators handling animal by-products inside the European Union and in non-EU countries.

Rules for non-EU countries

Non-EU countries can send their lists of approved or registered establishments in the format shown in Annex II of Chapter II of the Technical specification to:

Regulation EU 142/2011: new requirements for the listing of establishments in non-EU countries authorised to export to the EU

National websites of the EU countries with contact details of the competent authority

EU Member States

Other countries