14 December
Ad hoc Advisory Group meeting in relation to the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the EU
11 December
Special Working Group meeting of the advisory group on the “Code of Conduct for responsible business and marketing practices”
- Point 1 - Code of Conduct for responsible business and marketing practices
- Speaker 1 - Key “ingredients” for a successful EU Code of Conduct - FoodDrinkEurope
- Speaker 2 - Farm-to-Fork - Code of Conduct - EuroCommerce
- Speaker 5 - Code of Conduct for Responsible Business and Marketing Practices - FoodServiceEurope
- Speaker 10 - EU Commission / CoC for the food sector - Dr. Marina Beermann / Director FMCG Partnerships, WWF Germany
- Speaker 11 - F2F Code of Conduct: an EPHA perspective
18 November
Ad hoc Advisory Group meeting on the Implementation of the Transparency Regulation
- Revision of certain Implementing Acts - state of play
- EFSA - Practical Arrangements on pre-submission phase and public consultations
- EFSA’s Practical Arrangements
- Update on FSCAP implementation
- EFSA - Update of Guidance Documents
- EFSA - Presentation of Notification of Studies Database
- EFSA - Update on IUCLID implementation and hypercare
17 June
Ad-hoc meeting of the Advisory Group on the Food Chain and Animal and Plant Health on Farm to Fork
- The Farm to Fork Strategy: overall goals
- 2030 Targets for sustainable food production
- Revision of sustainable use of pesticides Directive
- The Farm to Fork Strategy and the CAP
5 June
Ad-hoc meeting of the Advisory Group on the Food Chain and Animal and Plant Health on the implementation of the Transparancy Regulation
- Timeline - Engagement with Stakeholders - TR implementation
- Revision of certain Implementing Acts –State of play
- EFSA: Practical Arrangements
13 March
Working Group meeting in relation to the withdrawal of the UK from the EU
2 March
Working Group meeting on Official Controls Regulation (EU) (2017/625) and its Delegated and Implementing acts: