Legislative framework - European Commission
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Food Safety

Legislative framework for sustainable food systems

Sustainable food systems

The proposal for a legislative framework for sustainable food systems (FSFS) is one of the flagship initiatives of the Farm to Fork Strategy.

As announced in the Strategy, it will be adopted by the Commission by the end of 2023.

Its goal is to accelerate and make the transition to sustainable food systems easier. It will also have as its core objective the promotion of policy coherence at EU level and national level, mainstream sustainability in all food-related policies and strengthen the resilience of food systems.

The proposal will be adopted following broad consultation and impact assessment.

The sustainability labelling framework will be part of the FSFS.

Consultation process

Inception Impact Assessment

The Inception Impact Assessment (IIA) related to the Sustainable food system framework initiative was published for public feedback from 28 September 2021 until 26 October 2021. This feedback period aimed at offering all interested parties, including citizens, the possibility to contribute to the policy-making cycle. 230 contributions were received.

View the Inception Impact Assessment

Open Public Consultation

The Open Public Consultation for the Sustainable food system framework initiative was published on 28 April 2022 and it is running until 21 July 2022. 

The aim of this public consultation is to gather opinions and evidence from the public and all relevant stakeholders (citizens, economic operators of all sizes, including SMEs and organisations representing them, consumer organisations, social partners, NGOs, public authorities at all governance levels, public purchasers, academia and research institutions, as well as any other interested stakeholder) on the key issues the initiative aims to address.

Further information about specific consultation activities, and how to participate in these, will be published on this page as they are being prepared

Meeting with stakeholders