INTRA-EU movement sheets
EU country sheets
- AT - Austria
- BE - Belgium
- BG - Bulgaria
- CY - Cyprus
- CZ - Czech Republic
- DE - Germany
- DK - Denmark
- EE - Estonia
- ES - Spain
- FI - Finland
- FR - France
- GB - United Kingdom
- GR - Greece
- HR - Croatia
- HU - Hungary
- IE - Ireland
- IT - Italy
- LT - Lithuania
- LU - Luxembourg
- LV - Latvia
- MT - Malta
- NL - The Netherlands
- PL - Poland
- PT - Portugal
- RO - Romania
- SE - Sweden
- SI - Slovenia
- SK - Slovakia
EFTA country sheets
- AD - Andorra
- CH - Switzerland
- FO - Faeroe Islands
- GL - Greenland
- IS - Iceland
- LI - Liechtenstein
- NO - Norway
- SM - San Marino
Non-EU country sheets
- BA - Bosnia and Herzegovina
- BJ - Benin
- CI - Ivory Coast
- CR - Costa Rica
- CV - Cape Verde
- DZ - Algeria
- EC - Ecuador
- FJ - Fiji
- FK - Falkland Islands
- GT - Guatemala
- HN - Honduras
- ID - Indonesia
- IL - Israel
- KE - Kenya
- MA - Morocco
- MG - Madagascar
- MR - Mauritania
- MU - Mauritius
- MX - Mexico
- NA - Namibia
- NC - New Caledonia
- NI - Nicaragua
- NZ - New Zealand
- PA - Panama
- PF - French Polynesia
- PG - Papua New Guinea
- PH - Philippines
- PM - St.Pierre and Miquelon
- RS - Serbia
- SC - Seychelles
- SN - Senegal
- TN - Tunisia
- TZ - United Rep. of Tanzania
- UG - Uganda
- UY - Uruguay
- XK - Kosovo
- ZA - South Africa