EU: Trends - European Commission
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EU: Trends

Trends in the use and risk of chemical pesticides and in the use of more hazardous pesticides

On 8 July 2024, the Commission published updated progress towards Farm to Fork pesticide reduction targets for the period 2011-2022.

EU trends in the use and risk of chemical pesticides
EU trends in the use of more hazardous pesticides

In the first five years (2018 to 2022), there was an overall decrease of 46% in the use and risk of chemical pesticides from the baseline period of 2015-2017. Between 2021 and 2022, there was a decrease, relative to the baseline, of 12%.

In the first five years (2018 to 2022), there was an overall decrease of 25% in the use of more hazardous pesticides from the baseline period of 2015-2017. Between 2021 and 2022, there was a decrease, relative to the baseline, of 4%.

The overall downward trends, in the first five years, shows that both 50% Farm to Fork reduction targets can be achieved by 2030.

Member States are encouraged to keep ensuring that chemical pesticides are only used as a last resort, in non-agricultural settings as well as on farms. as foreseen under the Farm to Fork strategy. By consistently applying the principles of integrated pest management (IPM), farmers can reduce their reliance on chemical pesticides without jeopardising the profitability of their enterprises.