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Trends in Harmonised Risk Indicators for the European Union

Commission publishes updated pesticide risk indicators for 2022

On 30 August 2024, the Commission published updated EU Harmonised Risk Indicators for pesticides for the period 2011-2022 for the EU. These indicators show the trends in the risks associated with the use of pesticides since 2011.

Harmonised Risk Indicator 1 (HRI 1),  measuring the use and risk of pesticides, shows a decrease of 50% since the baseline period of 2011-2013 and an 11% decline compared to 2021, relative to the baseline period of 2011-2013.

Harmonised Risk Indicator 2 (HRI 2), which is based on the number of emergency authorisations, shows an increase of 12% since the baseline period of 2011-2013 and a 21%  decrease compared to 2021, relative to the baseline period of 2011-2013.

Background information

The Commission published Harmonised Risk Indicators (HRI 1 and 2) for the first time in 2019, for the period 2011-2017.

HRI 1 is based on data on pesticide sales reported to the Commission by Member States under Regulation (EC) No 1185/2009.

HRI 2 is based on the number of emergency authorisations reported to the Commission by Member States using the E-Submission Food Chain (ESFC) Platform.

The indicators are calculated using the methodology laid down in Annex IV of Directive 2009/128/EC.

Member States are obliged to calculate and publish the trends in HRIs 1 and 2 for the 2011-2022 period by 31 August 2024, and to notify the Commission where this information is published. Details of the trends in HRI 1 and 2 for each Member State are available.

Graph 1. Harmonised Risk Indicator 1

Linechart indicating harmonised risk 1

Harmonised Risk Indicator 1 is calculated by multiplying the quantities of active substances in plant protection products placed on the market by a weighting factor.

For practical purposes, active substances are grouped into four categories, in line with Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009. The weightings applied to each category are intended to reflect policy on the use of pesticides and to support the goal of the Sustainable Use of Pesticides Directive to reduce the risk and impact of pesticide use and promote alternative approaches or techniques.

A baseline of the average of three years 2011-2013 is used as the starting point against which subsequent values are compared.

Harmonised Risk Indicator 1 shows an overall 50% reduction in the risk posed from pesticides in the European Union in the period from 2011 to 2022 compared to the baseline period of 2011-2013, and an 11% decline compared to 2021, relative to the baseline period of 2011-2013.

Graph 2. Harmonised Risk Indicator 2

Linechart indicating harmonised risk 2

Harmonised Risk Indicator 2 is calculated by multiplying the number of emergency authorisations granted by Member States under Article 53 of Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009 by a weighting factor.

As with Harmonised Risk Indicator 1, active substances are grouped into four categories, and weightings are applied to each category. A baseline of the average of three years, 2011-2013 is used as the starting point against which subsequent values are compared.

Harmonised Risk Indicator 2 for the European Union shows a 12% increase in the period from 2011 to 2022 compared to the baseline period of 2011-2013, and a 21% decrease compared to 2021, relative to the baseline period of 2011-2013.

Emergency authorisations are granted for a wide range of reasons, including emerging plant health issues and minor uses, as defined by Article 3(26) of Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009, and reported to the Commission using the E-Submission Food Chain (ESFC) Platform. Since February 2020, the Commission publishes all notifications of emergency authorisations.

Up to this point, it has not been possible to establish a more sophisticated HRI 2 as only a limited number of Member States have recorded the scale of these authorisations. The Commission is exploring how to collect additional data that will enable a more refined calculation of HRI2.

The Commission is concerned about the number of emergency authorisations being granted by Member States, and the consequent trend in HRI 2 and is closely monitoring these authorisations. For example, the Commission has initiated action on emergency authorisations granted repeatedly by Member States for plant protection products containing neonicotinoid active substances. Further information on the steps taken by Commission can be found here.

The Commission has published data on The quantities of active substances placed on the market in different types of PPPs. The data was published for the first time in 2022, covering the period 2011-2019, and will be updated annually.