Plant variety catalogues, databases & information systems - European Commission
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Plant variety catalogues, databases & information systems

Agricultural and vegetable species

EU database of registered plant varieties

The common catalogues of varieties of agricultural plant and vegetable species list the varieties which can be marketed in the EU.

Catalogues are based on the registration of plant varieties in EU countries after they have been technically examined there and notified to the Commission. Consolidated versions of both catalogues can be found below.

The updates are published in the Official Journal.

Latest updates:

Variety registration is a precondition for the certification of seed.


To be listed, varieties must meet standards on:

  • Distinctness
  • Uniformity
  • Stability
  • Value for cultivation and use - for agricultural crops.

This value is based on:

  • Yield
  • Resistance to harmful organisms
  • Response to the environment
  • Quality characteristics


Forest tree species

FOREMATIS (Forest Reproductive Material Information System)

On the basis of national registers of planted forest tree species called basic material, the Commission draws up an EU list so that the scheme operates smoothly throughout the EU.

The Commission's Forest Reproductive Material Information System (FOREMATIS) provides a search tool for forest breeders, forest nurserymen, experts and the general public, functioning as a repository linked with EU countries' data of planted forest tree species.

FOREMATIS provides access to the data of the national registers, containing the details of approved basic material including data on areas or geographic location - essential for determining if a particular material is suitable for a site.
After harvesting, a master certificate is issued with a unique register reference for information and traceability.


  • Council Directive 1999/105/EC of 22 December 1999, on the marketing of forest reproductive material
  • Commission Regulation EC 1597/2002 of 6 September 2002, laying down detailed rules for the application of Council Directive 1999/105/EC as regards the format of national lists of the basic material of forest reproductive material

Fruit genera and species

FRUMATIS (Fruit Reproductive Material Information System)

On the basis of national variety registers of fruit genera and species, the Commission draws up an EU variety register to improve the traceability and promote the dissemination of information on the varieties that can be marketed in the EU.

The EU variety register contains the varieties with an official description - which need to be officially registered - as well as varieties with an officially recognised description. Before official registration the variety's identity is tested for:

  • Distinctness;
  • Uniformity;
  • Stability


Vine propagating material of the genus Vitis

Common catalogue of varieties of vine propagating material

Before a variety is listed in a national catalogue of vine varieties the variety's identity is tested for:

  • Distinctness
  • Uniformity
  • Stability

On the basis of the national catalogues of vine varieties, the Commission draws up a Common Catalogue of Vine Varieties to improve the traceability and promote the dissemination of information on the varieties that can be marketed in the EU. The Common Catalogue also contains clones.

EU list of varieties of vine propagation material


  • Council Directive 68/193/EEC of 9 April 1968, on the marketing of material for the vegetative propagation of the vine
  • Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2017/478 of 16 March 2017, releasing certain Member States from the obligation to apply to certain species Council Directives 66/401/EEC, 66/402/EEC, 68/193/EEC, 1999/105/EC, 2002/54/EC, 2002/55/EC and 2002/57/EC on the marketing of fodder plant seed, cereal seed, material for the vegetative propagation of the vine, forest reproductive material, beet seed, vegetable seed and seed of oil and fibre plants respectively, and repealing Commission Decision 2010/680/EU