Plastic Recycling - European Commission
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Food Safety

Plastic Recycling

Recycling of plastic intended for contact with food

Ensuring the safety of recycled plastics

Plastic food contact materials may be used only subject to R 10/2011. This Regulation is to ensure that substances present in newly manufactured plastic cannot be transferred to food in amounts that can harm human health. Broadly that regulations sets out two groups of substances:

  • Starting substances and additives, which are to be authorised before they can be used, and which must be used subject to restrictions, such as a specific migration limit.
  • Non-intentionally added substances (NIAS), which include impurities present in authorised substances, as well as reaction and degeneration products that are formed during production of the plastic. These substances do not require authorisation, but they must be risk assessed according to internationally accepted standards.

The risk assessment either during authorisation or by the producers needs to ensure that the resulting new plastic material is safe.

However, when plastics are recycled, they can contain microbiological and chemical contaminants. Microbiological contamination is usually not a problem due to the high temperatures used during recycling of plastics, but chemical contaminants may occur from several sources. Such sources may include:

  • The original production of the plastic; for instance, the amount and the identity of NIAS will typically not be known for collected plastic, and may have changed, for instance due to further degradation.
  • The use of the plastic; the plastic should in most cases have been used in contact with food and substances from the food may have contaminated the plastic; however, it is usually unavoidable to collect plastics that were used in contact with other substances, such as detergents, or in rare cases more hazardous substances such as pesticides.
  • Potential misuse of the plastics; users may have used food packaging to store other substances in it. Examples include paint and paint thinner, fuels, detergents, and other household products that require temporary storing. 
  • Cross contamination in waste collection; depending on the way the plastic is collected substances originating from other waste may contaminate the collected plastic, for instance if there are large amounts of waste not suitable for recycling are present in the collected material.

Contaminants differ in one important way from impurities present in substances used for the manufacturing of new plastics. It is not possible to know the identity of all possible contaminants and they are typically present in a random amount in the collected plastic. Therefore, it is not possible to perform a similar assessment as is done for NIAS under Regulation (EU) 10/2011.

The safety of recycled plastic is therefore ensured in a different manner. The European Food Safety Authority (‘EFSA’) has established a level at which nearly all chemicals are not expected to do human health if present in the food. On this basis it is possible to calculate a maximum safe level at which chemicals that have not been risk assessed could be tolerated in plastic material without doing harm. They also characterised the maximum level at which chemicals can be present in collected and pre-processed plastic that has not been decontaminated. During recycling the plastic must thus be decontaminated with an operation capable of reducing that contaminant level in the input to the maximum tolerable safe level. EFSA refers to this capability as the decontamination efficiency of the recycling process, its full approach is published online.

The nature of contaminants has another problem. The composition of recycled plastic cannot be easily subjected to official controls. Conversely, the composition of new plastics can be enforced for instance against specific migration limits (SMLs) in a laboratory operated by the enforcing authorities. However, if it is not known what substances to look for, and there are no applicable limits, as is the case for contaminants, this approach is not possible. Therefore, controls focus at the production of the recycled plastic. The production must apply good manufacturing practices that are to ensure the correct input material, the correct equipment and the correct operating condition are applied during production. Official controls thus focus at auditing the production installations of recycled plastics. 

Regulating recycled plastics for food contact, Regulation (EU) No 2022/1616

Commission Regulation (EU) 2022/1616 on recycled plastic materials and articles sets out a legal framework to implement the above approach. It is summarised on EUR-LEX. In addition to this summary, there are a couple of key concepts that should be understood to understand how the Regulation functions:

  1. Recycling Technology, Process, and Installation
    For the purpose of the Regulation, A recycling Technology means a specific combination of physical or chemical concepts, principles, and practices to recycle a waste stream of a certain type and collected in a certain way; A recycling process is based on a recycling technology and means a sequence of unit operations that is intended to manufacture recycled plastic materials and articles through pre-processing, a decontamination process, and post-processing; both recycling technologies and processes are descriptions at a different level of detail of a recycling installation, which means the actual equipment operating a recycling process and which is located at a recycling facility.
    A recycling technology must first be established as suitable (chapter IV of the Regulation) by operating it as a novel technology; presently two suitable technologies are established, mechanical PET recycling and recycling from a closed and controlled chain; mechanical PET recycling processes must first be authorised (chapter V of the Regulation) before they may be used; and during their first year of operation, recycling installations must be audited (chapter VI of the Regulation). Recycling processes and installations may only be based on suitable technologies unless the technology on which they are based is still being developed as a novel technology. 
  2. pre-processing, decontamination, and post- processing
    Technologies, processes and installations, consist of three main stages; pre-processing, which refers to operations including the collection, sorting, shredding and pre-washing of plastic waste, and which should result in a well-defined plastic input to the decontamination stage during which this plastic is decontaminated to make it suitable for food contact,  this is the main stage for the purpose of the Regulation; and post-processing of the decontaminated plastic – recycled plastic – to manufacture final recycled plastic food contact materials and articles, such as bottles. 
    Article 6, 7 and 8 set out respectively the requirements for these stages; Article 6 on plastic input may be the most important as it determines which plastic waste can be recycled.

Union register of novel technologies, recyclers, recycling processes, recycling schemes and decontamination installations

The Union Register

Commission Regulation (EU) 2022/1616 on recycled plastic materials and articles establishes through Article 24 a Union register of novel technologies, recyclers, recycling processes, recycling schemes, and decontamination installations, as well as a list of recycling facilities. The main purpose of this register is to provide information to the users of recycled plastic to allow them to verify compliance of plastic materials they have received, as well as for competent authorities to facilitate their work on official control.

The register is kept by the Commission and can be accessed using the Food and Feed Information Portal.

The register provides registration numbers of the following entities:

  • RON, recycling operator number;
  • RFN, recycling facility number;
  • RIN, recycling installation number;
  • (RAN), recycling authorisation number;
  • (RSN), recycling scheme number;
  • (NTN), novel technology number;

At present the register is limited to recycling installations, facilities and companies. It will soon be updated by adding authorised processes (authorisation process is on-going), recycling schemes, and novel technologies. Also, the functionality of the register will gradually be improved.

Notice all numbers are comprised of 9 digits. The first three digits provide information on the location of the entity, in the EU that would be the NUTS1 number. The second three digits are calculated from the name of the entity, which means the number will change if the name of the entity is changed. The 7th digit represents the year in which the number was assigned, the 8th digit the type of entity, and the 9th digit is a check digit calculated on the basis of the other digits. 

In case of a question on the register please send an e-mail to However in case of a mistake in the register or a new registration, please use the on-line registration forms mentioned below.

Registration forms and process 

For new entities that are to be registered, please complete the online forms (1,2,3 and 4)

  1. Form 1 - Recycling installations:
    1. Definition (Art. 2. (3.12): ‘recycling installation’ means the equipment operating at least a part of a recycling process.
    2. The recycling installation should always be linked with a recycling facility and a company.
    3. Multiple recycling installations could be present within the same facility. In this view, please check and confirm all the installations located at this facility.
    4. Example of the information to be completed in the Recycling Installation Number (RIN) form(completed registration form for recycling installation).
  2. Form 2 - Recycling facilities:
    1. Definition (Art. 2. (3.14): ‘recycling facility’ means a location where at least one decontamination installation is located.
    2. The recycling facility should always be linked with a recycling installation and a company.
    3. Multiple recycling facilities could be present within the same company in more than one sites and / or one country.
    4. Example of the information to be completed in the Recycling Facility Number (RFN) (completed registration form for recycling facilities).
  3. Form 3 - Recycler:
    1. Definition (Art. 2. (3.16): ‘recycler’ means any natural or legal person who applies a decontamination process.
    2. The recycling company should always be linked with a recycling facility and a recycling installation.
    3. Example of the information to be completed in the Recycling operator number (RON) (completed registration form for recycling companies).
  4. Form 4 - Recycling Scheme Managers: 
    1. Definition (Art. 2. (3.15): ‘recycling scheme’ means an arrangement between legal entities to manage the use, separate collection and recycling of plastic materials and articles with the objective to limit or prevent their contamination in order to facilitate their recycling;
    2. The Recycling Scheme should always be linked with a recycling installation, recycling facility and a company (Form 1-4).
    3. Where the scheme manager is also the recycler, they both need to register the scheme, the installation, the facility and the operator). Example of the information to be completed in the (completed registration form for recycling schemes).
  5. Form 5 - Novel recycling technologies: 
    1. The Novel recycling technology form (Form No 5) should always be linked with a recycling installation, recycling facility and a company (Form 1-4).
    2. Example of the information to be completed in the, Form 5 -Novel technologies: accessible on this link.

RAN numbers will be assigned by the authorisation of recycling processes, consequently there is no form to apply for a RAN number.

Useful information regarding the Register:

  1. Registers Lists presented in an alphabetical order per country & installation / facility and / or company.
  2. Recycling Lists for Recycling Scheme Managers, Novel recycling technologies and Recycling Authorisation Numbers will be available in the near future.
  3. Recyclers present in the current list, may use the online forms in order to revise their data (please include all the information's needed in the current forms) by completing the online forms (1,2,3 and 4) and then in section F select the second option (by ticking the box below). 
  1. Recyclers that already revised their forms using those online forms, should use the codes (RIN/RFN & RON) presented in the Register Lists for their installation /facility and company. The new information has in that case superseded the 2022 information.  
  2. In case a Register number is lacking (RIN/RFN & RON) to provide them to the CAs (Competent Authority) please present the PDF receipt of the Registration in EU Survey and indicate that codes are pending.
  3. The online form has been developed to allow applicants submit their applications through the online web interface. As a result, a unique number is created once the registration completed in order to be used in future communication (Commission & Competent Authorities). Applicants kindly invited not to forward their online PDF forms to the Commission (only if requested).
  4. Following the receipt of (a) new forms and (b) revision of old ones, Register lists will be updated on a frequent basis. The updated forms (as outlined in c.3) will be analyzed and evaluated based on order of priority in accordance to change the existent dossiers (codes).

Competent authorities

Countries located in EU - specific information and language versions of templates

Countries located outside EU - specific information and language versions of templates

Other resources

Complete guidance on the application of the Regulation is being developed, and will be published following a discussion with Member States and stakeholders. Publication is not expected before 2023 as the guidance will be written taking account of the first experiences with the implementation of the Regulation.

Templates for Annex II and III

Please find templates in .docx format that can be used to prepare the CMSS and Declaration of Compliance. Language versions, which may be required in some Member States in particular of the CMSS (Annex II) are available in the section below.

Annex II, Annex III.A and Annex III.B

Guidance on the use of the templates: guidance to Annex II and III

Questions and Answers


The Commission accepts questions on the implementation of the Regulation. In case you have a question, please be specific, provide sufficient technical information and where applicable quote relevant provisions of Regulation (EU) 2022/2016 and/or from the available guidance. Please send such questions to with in the subject ‘recycling’. This address should not be used for registration.