43rd Session
Budapest, Hungary, 13-18 May 2024
- Annotated agenda with division of competence
European Union comments on:
- Agenda item 3: (CL 2024/8-MAS) Endorsement of methods of analysis provisions and sampling plans
- Agenda item 5: (CL 2024/16-MAS: Information document the General Guidelines on Sampling (CXG 50–2004)
- Agenda item 10: Listing of Type IV methods in CXS 234 when a Type I method is listed for the same commodity and provision
42nd Session
Budapest, Hungary, 13-16 June 2023
- Annotated Agenda indicating the division of competence between the European Union and its Member States in respect of each particular agenda item.
European Union comments on:
- Agenda Item 3.1: Endorsement of methods of analysis and sampling plans for provisions in CODEX standards
- Agenda item 4.2 (CL 2023/13-MAS): Review of methods of analysis in CXS 234: Cereals, pulses and legumes workable package
- Agenda item 4.3 (CL 2023/48-MAS): Review of methods of analysis in CXS 234: Processed fruits and vegetables workable package
- Agenda Item 5 (CL 2023/14-MAS ): Information Document: Guidelines on Measurement Uncertainty (CXG 54-2004)
- Agenda item 6 (CL 2023/15-MAS): Revision of the General Guidelines on Sampling (CXG 50-2004)
European Union comments on Codex Circular Letters:
- CL 2022/23/OCS-MAS: the Rules for the selection of Type II methods from multiple Type III methods
41st Session
Budapest, Hungary, 17–21 May 2021
- Annotated Agenda indicating the division of competence between the European Union and its Member States in respect of each particular agenda item.
European Union comments on:
- Agenda item 2.1 (Points 10 & 11): Matters referredto the Codex Alimentarius Commission and other subsidiary bodies
- Agenda item 7: Revision of the General Guidelines on Sampling (CXG50-2004) (CL 2020/27-MAS).
European Union comments on Codex Circular Letters:
- CL 2020 /29- MAS: Request for comments on the review of CXS 234: dairy package and fats and oils package
- CL 2020/31- MAS: Request for comments: (i) the proposed revised Guideline on Measurement Uncertainty (ii) Information document on procedures for the estimation of measurement uncertainty; and (iii) criteria to select Type II methods from multiple Type III methods
40th Session
Budapest, Hungary, 27-31 May 2018
- Annotated Agenda indicating the division of competence between the European Union and its Member States in respect of each particular agenda item.
European Union comments on:
- Agenda Item 3: Endorsement of methods of analysis and sampling plans for provisions in codex standards
- Agenda Item 4: Guidance on endorsement
- Agenda Item 5: Revision of the recommended methods of CXS 234 - Preamble and structure
- Agenda Item 6: Revision of the guidelines on measurement uncertainty (cxg 54-2004)
- Agenda Item 7: Revision of the general guidelines on sampling (cxg 50-2004)
39th Session
Budapest, Hungary, 7-11 May 2018
- Annotated Agenda indicating the division of competence and right to vote between the European Union and its Member States in respect of each particular agenda item.
European Union comments on:
- Agenda Item 4: Revision of the recommended methods of CODEX stan 234-1999 / review and update of CODEX stan 234-1999
- Agenda Item 5: Discussion paper on the criteria for endorsement of biological methods used to detect chemicals of concern
- Agenda Item 6: Proposal to amend the guidelines on measurement uncertainty (CXG 54 – 2004)
- Agenda Item 7: Proposal to amend the general guidelines on sampling (CXG 50-2004)
38th Session
Budapest, Hungary, 8-12 May 2017
- Annotated Agenda indicating the division of competence and right to vote between the European Union and its Member States in respect of each particular agenda item.
European Union comments on:
- Agenda Item 2: Matters reffered by the Codex Alimentarius Commission and other subsidiary bodies
- Agenda Item 4: Guidance on the criteria approach for methods which use a ‘sum of components’
- Agenda Item 5: Criteria for endorsement of biological methods used to detect chemicals of concern
- Agenda Item 6: Discussion paper on teh review of CODEX stan 234-1999
- Agenda Item 8: Proposal to amend the guidelines on measurement uncertainty (CAC/GL 54-2004)
- Agenda Item 9: Proposal to amend the general guidelines on sampling (cac/gl 50-2004)
37th Session
Budapest, Hungary, 22-26 February 2016
- Annotated Agenda indicating the division of competence and right to vote between the European Union and its Member States.
European Union comments on:
- Agenda Item 4: Discussion Paper on Development of Procedures/Guidelines for Developing Equivalency to Type I Methods (CX/MAS 16/37/4)
- Agenda Item 6: Discussion paper on criteria for endorsement of biological methods used to detect chemicals of concern
- Agenda Item 7: Review and update of methods in Codex STAN 234-1999
- Agenda Item 9: Procedures for determining uncertainty of measurement results
36th Session
Budapest, Hungary, 23-27 February 2015
- Annotated Agenda indicating the division of competence and right to vote between the European Union and its Member States.
European Union comments on:
- Agenda Item 2: Matters Referred to the Committee
Part A. Codex Strategic Plan 2014-2019
Part A. Decisions of the 37th session of the Commission Related to the Work of the Committee
Other Matters - Agenda Item 3: Endorsement of Methods of Analysis Provisions in Codex Standards
- Agenda Item 7: Review and Update of Methods in Codex STAN 234-1999