Meetings 2017
Presentations 30 November – 1 December 2017
- African swine fever - CVET-mission - Poland
- African swine fever - Latvia
- African swine fever - Poland
- African swine fever Poland - EFSA presentation
- Avian influenza - Bulgaria
- Avian influenza - Update by EU
- Bluetongue - France
- Brucellosis melitensis - Spain
- Classical swine fever monitoring - Bulgaria
- Classical swine fever monitoring - Croatia
- Classical swine fever monitoring - Hungary
- Classical swine fever monitoring - Latvia
- Classical swine fever monitoring - Romania
- Classical swine fever monitoring - Slovakia
- Education materials - tail docking - EC presentation
- HP avian influenza - CVET mission - Italy
- HP avian influenza - Italy
- Illegal trade - ABP - EC-presentation
- LP avian influenza - Germany
- New Hatchery System
- Newcastle disease - Switzerland
- Pegasus 2017 - Results and evaluation
- Update EU Platform on Animal Welfare
Presentations 25 October 2017
- African Swine Fever - Czech Republic
- African swine fever - Estonia
- African swine fever - Poland
- African swine fever lifting - Latvia
- African swine fever update - Latvia
- Aujeszky’s disease - Italy
- Avian influenza - EFSA output
- Avian Influenza Surveillance - EU
- BlueTongue - Portugal
- Chronic wasting disease update - Norway
- HP Avian influenza - Bulgaria
- HP Avian influenza - Italy
- Newcastle disease - Sweden
- Rules on intra-Union trade in bovine animals and swine
Presentations 18-19 September 2017
- Aethina Tumida - Italy
- African Swine Fever - Romania
- African Swine Fever - Estonia
- African Swine Fever - Hungary
- African Swine Fever - Results 2016 - Estonia
- African Swine Fever - Results 2016 - Latvia
- African Swine Fever - Results 2016 - Lithuania
- African Swine Fever - Results 2016 - Poland
- African Swine Fever - Results 2016 - Romania
- African Swine Fever - Results 2016 - Slovakia
- African Swine Fever - Update 2017 - Latvia
- African Swine Fever - Update 2017 - Lithuania
- African Swine Fever - Update 2017 - Poland
- African Swine Fever - Update 2017 - Romania
- African Swine Fever - Update 2017 - Slovakia
- African Swine Fever in Wild Boars - Czech Republic
- Bovine Tuberculosis - Austria
- Bovine Tuberculosis - Ireland
- Bovine Tuberculosis - Italy
- Bovine Tuberculosis - Portugal
- Bovine Tuberculosis - Spain
- Bovine Tuberculosis - Results 2016 and Update 2017 - United Kingdom
- Enzootic Bovine Leucosis - Italy
- HP avian influenza - Italy
- HP avian influenza - Portugal
- Intra-European animal health certification
- Newcastle disease - Bulgaria
- Newcastle disease - Sweden
- SVD-free status - Italy
Presentations 13 July 2017
- African Swine Fever - Czech Republic
- African Swine Fever - Estonia
- African Swine Fever - Lithuania
- African Swine Fever - Latvia
- African Swine Fever - Poland
- African swine fever CVET mission - Czech Republic
- EU Animal Health Law Aquaculture - EC
- EU Platform on Animal Welfare - EC
- HP avian influenza - Belgium
- HP avian influenza - France
- Equine infectious anaemia - Germany
- Vaccination-plan_avian influenza - Portugal
Presentations 8 June 2017
- African Swine Fever - Lithuania
- Avian Influenza - Luxembourg
- Brucellosis Eradication - Croatia
- Brucellosis Eradication - Greece
- Brucellosis Eradication - Italy
- Brucellosis Eradication - Portugal
- Brucellosis Eradication - Spain
- Better Training for Safer Food
- Checks to export of live animals to non-EU countries
- HP Avian Influenza - Belgium
- HP Avian Influenza - United Kingdom
- HP Avian Influenza - Italy
- Rabies - Bulgaria
- Rabies - Greece
- Rabies - Hungary
- Rabies - Romania
Presentations 16 May 2017
- Aethina tumida - Italy
- Bluetongue - EU
- HP avian influenza - France
- HP avian influenza - Germany
- HP avian influenza - Hungary
- HP avian influenza - Italy
- HP avian influenza - Slovakia
- HP avian influenza - Sweden
- HP avian influenza - United Kingdom
- Rabies eradication programme - Croatia
- Rabies eradication programme - Estonia
- Rabies eradication programme - Finland
- Rabies eradication programme - Italy
- Rabies eradication programme - Latvia
- Rabies eradication programme - Lithuania
- Rabies eradication programme - Poland
- Rabies eradication programme - Slovakia
- Wildlife rabies in Italy
Presentations 6-7 April 2017
- African swine fever - EFSA
- African swine fever - Poland
- African swine fever Wild Boar - EFSA
- Aujeszky’s disease - Poland
- Aujeszky’s Disease Veneto - Italy
- Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans (Bsal) - EC
- Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans (Bsal) - EFSA
- Bluetongue - EFSA
- Bovine rhinotracheitis (BHV1) - Germany
- Bovine tubercolosis - Italy
- Enzootic bovine leucosis - Poland
- HP avian influenza - EC
- HP avian influenza - France
- HP avian influenza - Germany
- HP avian influenza - Italy
- HP avian influenza - Poland
- Lumpy skin disease - EFSA
- Lumpy skin disease - Greece
- NCP meeting XII conclusions - EC
Presentations 2-3 March 2017
- African swine fever - Hungary
- African swine fever - Latvia
- African swine fever - Latvia - CVET mission
- African swine fever - Lithuania
- African swine fever - Romania
- African swine fever - Slovakia
- Avian influenza - Member States Overview
- HP avian influenza - Bulgaria
- HP avian influenza - Bulgaria - CVET mission
- HP avian influenza - Croatia
- HP avian influenza - Czech Republic
- HP avian influenza - France
- HP avian influenza - Germany
- HP avian influenza - Greece
- HP avian influenza - Italy
- HP avian influenza - Poland
- HP avian influenza - Romania
- HP avian influenza - Slovakia
- HP avian influenza - Spain
- HP avian influenza - Sweden
- HP avian influenza - UK
- Newcastle disease - Romania
- Poultry plan - Belgium - 2009_158
7 February (part of the Standing Committee on Zootechnics):
Presentations 17-18 January 2017
- African swine fever - Latvia
- B. Melitensis - Spain
- Bluetongue - Austria
- Bonamiosis - Ireland
- Enzootic-bovine-leucosis - UK Jersey
- Eradication Programmes 2017 - EC
- HP Avian influenza - Austria
- HP Avian influenza - Bulgaria
- HP Avian influenza - Croatia
- HP Avian influenza - Czech Republic
- HP Avian influenza - Denmark
- HP Avian influenza - Finland
- HP Avian influenza - France
- HP Avian influenza - Germany
- HP Avian influenza - Hungary
- HP Avian influenza - Hungary - CVET mission
- HP Avian influenza - Italy
- HP Avian influenza - Netherlands
- HP Avian influenza - Poland
- HP Avian influenza - Romania
- HP Avian influenza - Slovakia
- HP Avian influenza - Slovenia
- HP Avian influenza - Sweden
- HP Avian influenza - UK
- HP Avian Influenza - EFSA Statement
- Sheep and Goat Pox - Greece