Meetings 2015
Presentations 30 November - 1 December 2015
- Avian Influenca - Italy
- Avian Influenca - France
- Bluetongue - Austria
- Evaluation procedure of eradication, control and surveillance programmes submitted by the MSs
- Lumpy skin disease - Greece
- 2015 Veterinary Programs - Key Financial figures
Presentations 9 November 2015
- ABP Starfish - Denmark
- Bluetongue - Hungary
- Bluetongue - Hungary - CVET
- Bluetongue - Spain
- Bluetongue BTV4 - Romania
- Bluetongue BTV8 - France
- Bovine rhinotracheitis BHV1 - Germany
- Epilobee - EFSA
- Lumpy skin disease - Greece
- Newcastle disease - Romania
- Lumpy skin disease - Greece
- Lumpy skin disease - Greece - CVET
Presentations 7 October 2015
- Aethina Tumida - Italy
- Avian Influenca - European Union
- Bluetongue - France
- Classical Swine Fever - Bulgaria
- Classical Swine Fever - Hungary
- Classical Swine Fever - Croatia
- Classical Swine Fever - Germany
- Classical Swine Fever - Romania
- Classical Swine Fever - Slovakia
- Newcastle disease - Romania
- Lumpy skin disease - Greece
- Rabies - Italy
- Rabies - Lithuania
Presentations 9-10 September 2015
- African Swine Fever - Estonia
- African Swine Fever - Latvia
- African Swine Fever - Lithuania
- African Swine Fever - Poland
- Avian Influenca - Germany
- Avian Influenca - United Kingdom
- Bluetongue - Romania
- Bovine Rhinotracheitis - Italy
- Bovine Rrhinotracheitis - Germany
- Brucellosis (Northern Ireland) - United Kingdom
- Lumpy Skin Disease - Greece
- Rabies - Bulgaria
- Rabies - Estonia
- Rabies - Greece
- Rabies - Hungary
- Rabies - Latvia
- Rabies - Lithuania
- Rabies - Poland
- Rabies - Romania
- Rabies - Slovakia
- Rabies - Slovenia
Presentations 7-8 July 2015
- African swine fever - Latvia
- Avian influenza LPAI H7N7 - Germany
- Bovine Brucellosis - Portugal
- Collagen-Gelatin info - G4
- CVET - Bluetongue - Macedonia
- EFSA - ASF, PED, OS-HV1, Canine leishmaniosis
- Rabies - Slovakia
- 2014 Veterinary Programs - Financial Perspective
- MS Guidelines - EU Funding of Veterinary Emergency Measures
Presentations 5 June 2015
- Annual reports on animal identification
- Bluetongue - Spain
- Bluetongue - Italy
- Bovine Tuberculosis - Italy
- Bovine Tuberculosis - United Kingdom
- Brucellosis - Greece
- Brucellosis - Italy
- Brucellosis - Spain
- Brucellosis - United Kingdom
- Brucellosis (bovine) - Croatia
- Brucellosis (sheep & goat) - Croatia
- IBR - Austria
- Rabies - France
- Result of Reports - national measures_2014
- Template_Report on disease eradication programmes
Presentations 6 May 2015
- Aethina Tumida - Italy
- Bluetongue - Croatia
- Bluetongue - Hungary
- Bluetongue - Romania
- Bovine tuberculosis - Ireland
- Bovine tuberculosis - Portugal
- Bovine tuberculosis - Spain
- AHW agenda point C.01 - Council Directive 2003/85/EC - Amendments to annexes XI, XII and XV
Presentations 16-17 April 2015
- EFSA scientific report on Small Hive Beetle
- Avian influenza - Bulgaria
- Avian influenza H5N8 - Sweden (Wildswan)
- Bluetongue - Bulgaria
- Bluetongue - Croatia
- Bluetongue - Slovenia
- Mission of the Community Veterinary Emergency Team in Montenegro in relation to bluetongue situation
- Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza H5N1 - Romania
- Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza - Hungary
- IBR / IPV - Austria
- Low Pathogenic Avian Influenza H5–H7 - Italy
- Low Pathogenic Avian Influenza - Netherlands
- Sheep and Goat Pox - Greece
Presentations 5 March 2015
- African swine fever - Estonia
- African swine fever - Latvia
- Amendments to Decision 2004 211 - Shanghai
- Amendments to Annex F of Directive 64 432
- Avian influenza HPAI - Hungary
- Avian influenza LPAI - Italy
- Avian influenza - Portugal
- Bluetongue - Croatia
- Bovine tuberculosis - Lithuania
- Bovine tuberculosis - New Zealand
- IBR - Austria
- Newcastle disease - Romania
- Small slaughterhouses - France
Presentations 4 February 2015
- Amendments of Annex F to Directive 64/432/EEC
- African swine fever - Poland
- HPAI H5N1 - Burgas region - Bulgaria
- Mission of the Community Veterinary Emergency Team to Cyprus
- DK FMD simulation exercise - Vet-All - Denmark
- Update on Highly pathogenic Avian Influenza of subtype H5N8 in poultry - Germany
- LPAI H7 in Chickens - United Kingdom
- Multiannual work programme concerning the implementation of Union co-financed programmes of eradication, control and surveillance of animal diseases and zoonoses (veterinary programmes) for 2016-2017
- Bovine tuberculosis equivalence - New Zealand
- Report from AI EURL on the developing situation with H5 HPAI
Presentations 13-14 January 2015
- African swine fever - Estonia
- African swine fever - Latvia
- African swine fever - Lithuania
- African swine fever - Poland
- Africa swine fever - Sardinia - Italy
- Aujeszky disease - Hungary
- Avian Influenza - Germany
- Avian influenza H5N8 - EFSA
- Avian Influenza - Italy
- Bluetongue - Croatia
- Bluetongue - Italy
- Bovine rhinotracheitis - Germany
- Bovine tuberculosis - New Zealand
- Echinococcus multilocularis - EFSA
- Inspections_AID_Response_Questionnaire
- KHV disease - Croatia
- Lumpy skin disease - Cyprus
- Rabies -Slovakia
- SGP, LSD and PPR - EFSA-report
- Trade in pooled semen of porcine species
- Discussion on trade in pooled semen of animals of the porcine species