Meetings 2025
Presentations 12 March
Presentations 26-27 February
- ASF - Germany
- ASF - Italy
- ASF - Latvia
- ASF - Slovakia
- ASF - Poland
- EFSA - AI Annual Report 2023
- FMD - Germany
- HaDEA - OneHealth_Surveillance
- HPAI - Belgium
- HPAI - Bulgaria
- HPAI - Germany
- HPAI - Hungary
- HPAI - Ireland
- HPAI - Italy
- HPAI - Lithuania
- HPAI - Poland
- HPAI - The Netherlands
- Newcastle Disease - Poland
- PPR - Bulgaria
- PPR - Hungary
- PPR - Romania
- SPGP - Bulgaria
- SPGP - Greece
Presentations 22-23 January
- ADIS Update Next steps - EC
- AHL State of play - EC
- ASF - Germany
- ASF - Greece
- ASF - Italy
- ASF - Latvia
- ASF - Lithuania
- ASF - Poland
- ASF - Romania
- ASF - Slovakia
- Avian Influenza Situation - EFSA
- EUVET-mission FMD - Germany
- Grants 2025-2027 - HaDEA
- HPAI - France
- HPAI - Germany
- HPAI - Hungary
- HPAI - Italy
- HPAI - Poland
- HPAI - Portugal
- Newcastle disease - Poland
- Non commercial movement pets - EC
- PPR - Bulgaria
- Report HPAI-EUVET-mission - Austria
- Report PPR-EURL - Bulgaria
- Report PPR-EUVET-mission - Bulgaria
- SPGP - Bulgaria
- SPGP - Greece
- State of play FMD - Germany
Presentations 17 January - WebEx videoconference meeting
Presentations 13 January
Meetings 2024
Presentations 16-17 December
- ADIS update - EC
- ASF - Germany
- ASF - Italy
- ASF - Latvia
- ASF - Poland
- ASF - Slovakia
- BTV State of Play - EC
- Budget 2025 - HaDEA
- HPAI - Germany
- HPAI - Hungary
- HPAI - Italy
- HPAI - Poland
- HPAI - The Netherlands
- iRASFF Animal Welfare Network - EC
- Newcastle disease - Poland
- PPR - Bulgaria
- PPR - Greece
- SPGP - Bulgaria
- SPGP - Greece
Presentations 18-19 November
- AI in Agri-food-chain - EC
- ASF - Croatia
- ASF - Germany
- ASF - Italy
- ASF - Lithiania
- ASF - Poland
- EFSA Evaluation - EC
- HPAI - Austria
- HPAI - France
- HPAI - Germany
- HPAI - Hungary
- HPAI - Italy
- HPAI - Poland
- Newcastle disease - Poland
- PPR - Greece
- PPR - Romania
- Scientific Opinion ASF - EFSA
- Sheep Slaughter_EFSA
- SPGP - Bulgaria
- SPGP - Greece
- SPGP - Bulgaria - EC
Presentations 24-25 October
- ASF - Germany
- ASF - Greece
- ASF - Hungary
- ASF - Italy
- ASF - Latvia
- ASF - Lithuania
- ASF - Slovakia
- Budget reallocation - HaDEA
- HPAI - Austria
- HPAI - Bulgaria
- HPAI - Croatia
- HPAI - Czechia
- HPAI - Germany
- HPAI - Hungary
- HPAI - Italy
- HPAI - Poland
- HPAI - Slovakia
- HPAI EUVET mission in Bulgaria - EC
- HPAI vaccination - France
- Newcastle Disease - Poland
- Newcastle Disease - Sweden
- PPR - Greece
- PPR - Romania
- PPR in Greece and Romania - EC
- SPGP - Bulgaria
- SPGP - Greece
- SPGP Bulgaria - EC
- SPGP Greece - EC
Presentations 20 September
- ASF - Germany
- ASF - Hungary
- ASF - Italy
- ASF - Lithuania
- ASF - Poland
- ASF - Sweden
- HPAI - Czechia
- HPAI - Denmark
- HPAI - France
- HPAI - Germany
- HPAI - Poland
- PPR - Greece
- PPR - Romania
- PPR in Greece - EUVET mission
- PPR in Greece and Romania - EUVET
- PPR in Romania - EUVET mission
- SPGP - Bulgaria
- SPGP - Greece
Presentations 28 August
- ASF - Germany
- ASF - Italy
- ASF - Poland
- Bluetongue - Belgium
- Bluetongue - Denmark
- Bluetongue - Germany
- Bluetongue - Luxembourg
- PPR - Greece
- PPR - Romania
- PPR in Greece and Romania - EC
- SPGP - Greece
- SPGP in Greece - EC
Presentations 26 July
Presentations 11 July
- ASF - Croatia
- ASF - Germany
- ASF - Italy
- ASF - Latvia
- ASF - Lithuania
- ASF - Poland
- ASF - Romania
- ASF variants - Germany
- ASF-EUVET - Mission Report - Italy
- Avian Influenza - EFSA Overview
- Avian Influenza - EURL Overview
- BTV Situation - Spain
- Disposal of Catering Waste - EC
- Evaluation AHL - EC
- HPAI - Germany
- Use of Wool - EC
Presentations 25-26 June
- ASF - Bulgaria
- ASF - Czechia
- ASF - Germany
- ASF - Greece
- ASF - Italy
- ASF - Latvia
- ASF - Lithuania
- ASF - Norway
- ASF - Poland
- ASF - Slovakia
- ASF - Sweden
- BVD Freedom - Germany
- Cat B and Cat C Diseases - Italy
- HPAI - Confined - Est - France
- HPAI - Confined - Est - Spain
- Kept Equine Movement - Denmark
- Kept Equine Movement - Finland
- Kept Equine Movement - Norway
- Kept Equine Movement - Sweden
- Newcastle Disease - Italy
- Newcastle Disease - Sweden
- Regulation - Slaughterhouse inspections - EC
Presentations 16 May
- AHW - Bulgaria
- Animal Welfare - EFSA
- ASF - Austria
- ASF - Czechia
- ASF - Italy
- ASF - Poland
- Bluetongue - Germany
- HPAI - Hungary
- SPGP - Greece
- West Nile Virus - ECDC-EFSA
Presentations 25 April
- ADIS reporting - EC
- ASF - Bulgaria
- ASF - Czechia
- ASF - Germany
- ASF - Greece
- ASF - Italy
- ASF - Lithuania
- ASF - Poland
- Avian Influenza overview - EFSA
- Bluetongue - Germany
- Equine Infectious Anaemia - Germany
- HPAI - Bulgaria
- HPAI - Hungary
- HPAI Passive surveillance - EFSA
- HPAI Vaccination - EFSA
- SPGP - Greece
- West Nile Virus - EC
Presentations 19 March
- ASF - Czechia
- ASF - Greece
- ASF - Italy
- ASF - Latvia
- ASF - Lithuania
- ASF - Poland
- ASF - Slovakia
- Aujeszky's Disease - France
- Aujeszky's Disease - Poland
- B-Melitensis - Italy
- Evaluation of the AHL - EC
- HPAI - Bulgaria
- HPAI - Poland
- HPAI - Slovakia
- OneHealth Surveillance - EFSA
- OneHealth Surveillance - HaDEA
- SPGP - Greece
- Veterinary_Programmes - HaDEA
Presentations 21 February
- 4th Reference Centre for Animal Welfare (Aquatic Animals) - EC
- ASF - Croatia
- ASF - Germany
- ASF - Greece
- ASF - Italy
- HPAI - Bulgaria
- HPAI - Czechia
- HPAI - Denmark
- HPAI - Germany
- HPAI - Norway
- HPAI - Poland
- HPAI - Slovakia
- SPGP - Greece
- Veterinary Programme - final report 2023 - HaDEA
Presentations 23 January
- ASF - Bulgaria
- ASF - Germany
- ASF - Greece
- ASF - Hungary
- ASF - Italy
- ASF- Poland
- Avian influenza - EFSA
- BTV - Germany
- Grants 2024 - VET PROG - HaDEA
- HPAI - Bulgaria
- HPAI - France
- HPAI - Germany
- HPAI - Hungary
- HPAI - Poland
- HPAI - Sweden
- Labs performing rabies antibody titration - EC
- Opinion of the HSC on zoonotic avian influenza
- SPGP - Greece
- SPGP EU Vet Mission to Greece
- Update on FMD risks for MSs - EC
Meetings 2023
Presentations 14-15 December
- ASF - Croatia
- ASF - Italy
- ASF - Latvia
- ASF - Poland
- ASF - Slovakia
- Bluetongue - Belgium
- Bluetongue - Netherlands
- Bluetongue - Spain
- BTV - Germany
- Review of designations of EURCAWs
- HPAI - Belgium
- HPAI - Bulgaria
- HPAI - France
- HPAI - Germany
- HPAI - Hungary
- HPAI - Italy
- HPAI - Netherlands
- HPAI - Poland
- HPAI-surveillance 2022- EFSA
- Public registers aquaculture establishments - EC
- Sheep pox - Bulgaria
- SPGP - Greece
- Veterinary programmes - Budget 2023 reallocation update - HaDEA
- Veterinary programmes - Budget 2024 - HaDEA
Presentations 23-24 November
- ASF - Croatia
- ASF - Estonia (lifting zones)
- ASF - Germany
- ASF - Italy
- ASF - Poland
- ASF EUVET-mission in Croatia - EC
- EHDV Working Group summary - EC
- HPAI - Bulgaria
- HPAI - Croatia
- HPAI - Denmark
- HPAI - Germany
- HPAI - Hungary
- HPAI - Italy
- HPAI - Netherlands
- SARS-CoV-2 - Bulgaria
- Sheep and goat pox - Greece
- Sheep pox - Bulgaria
Presentations 19-20 October
- ADIS development - EC
- AI vaccination - EFSA
- ASF - Croatia
- ASF - EUVET mission - France and Italy
- ASF - EUVET mission - Sweden
- ASF - Italy
- ASF - Lithuania
- ASF - Poland
- ASF - Romania
- ASF - Sweden
- Avian influenza overview and other activities - EFSA
- Bluetongue - Belgium
- Bluetongue - Germany
- Denmark - bacterial kidney disease
- EFSA - Aquatic diseases-Vectors Reservoirs
- EFSA - FP4 AI results
- EFSA - Scientific Opinion on vectors and reservoirs of listed diseases
- EHD - France
- HPAI - Denmark
- HPAI - Poland
- Non-harmonised certificate in TRACES - EC
- Sheep pox - Bulgaria
Presentations 14-15 September
- Report on bovine eID - EC
- Best Practice Hens Presentation
- ASF - Bulgaria
- ASF - Croatia
- ASF - Czechia
- ASF - Estonia
- ASF - Germany
- ASF - Greece
- ASF - Italy
- ASF - Latvia
- ASF - Poland
- ASF - Sweden
- ASF EUVET mission - Italy
- ASF EUVET mission - Croatia
- SPGP - Spain
- HPAI vaccination - France
- HPAI vaccination - Netherlands
- AOB - Illegally moved birds - Germany and Netherlands
- AOB - Bluetongue - Netherlands
- AOB - BTSF Workshop on ASF in Spain - EC
- AOB - CVOs meeting on ASF in West Balkan countries - ECB
- AOB - Epizootic haemorrhagic disease - Portugal
- AOB - Standing Group of Experts - ASF information - EC
Presentations 13 July
- ADIS reporting - EC
- ASF - Germany
- ASF - Greece
- ASF - Italy
- ASF - Latvia
- ASF - Lithuania
- ASF - Poland
- ASF 1st occurence - Croatia
- Avian influenza monitoring - EFSA
- EHD - Spain
- EHDV - Italy
- HPAI - Germany
- HPAI - Poland
- HPAI - Sweden
- HPAI situation - France
- HPAI vaccination - France
- Presentation on MBM to EU - Ireland
- SGPV - Spain
Presentations 21 June
- ASF - Greece
- ASF - Hungary
- ASF - Poland
- ASF - Slovakia
- FMD SAT-2 Vaccine Georgia - EC
- FMD situation in the European neighborhood - EC
- HPAI - France
- SGPV situation - Spain
- SPGP EUVET-mission to Spain
- Welfare of dairy cows - EFSA
- Welfare of DGQ - EFSA
Presentations 25 May
- ASF - Czechia
- ASF - Germany
- ASF - Greece
- ASF - Italy
- ASF - Poland
- ASF - Romania
- ASF EUVET mission to Czechia
- Avian influenza overview - EFSA
- Guidelines - funding of Veterinary Emergency Measures
- HPAI - France
- HPAI - Germany
- HPAI Maintainance of restricted zones for Category A diseases - EC
- SGPV - Spain
Presentations 25 April
- ASF - Bulgaria
- ASF - Italy
- ASF - Latvia
- ASF - Lithuania
- ASF - Poland
- ASF Preparedness - Austria
- ASF Preparedness - Slovenia
- Equine Movement - Ireland
- EU reporting_eradication programmes - EC
- Health certification for registered horses - France
- HPAI - Bulgaria
- HPAI - Czechia
- HPAI - Germany
- HPAI - Hungary
- HPAI - Italy
- LSD - Bulgaria
- LSD - Greece
- LSD Legal Framework - EC
- Sheep & Goat pox - Spain
- SO Welfare of broilers on farm - EFSA
- SO welfare of calves - EFSA
- SO Welfare of laying hens on farm - EFSA
Presentations 23 March
- ADIS reporting - EU
- AHL public availabilty - EU
- ASF - Bulgaria
- ASF - Croatia
- ASF - Germany
- ASF - Greece
- ASF - Italy
- ASF - Poland
- ASF - Slovakia
- Avian influenza Overview - EFSA
- Avian Influenza SIGMA - EFSA
- Cov2 reporting - EU
- Developments in the field of animal health - Switzerland
- FMD vaccine to Türkiye - EU
- HPAI - Estonia
- HPAI - France
- HPAI - Hungary
- HPAI - Italy
- HPAI H5N1 - Denmark
- SGPV - Spain
- SGPV - updated situation, new outbreak - Spain
- VET - Programme state of play - HaDEA
Presentations 15-16 February
- ASF - Czechia
- ASF - Greece
- ASF - Poland
- ASF - Slovakia
- ASF - Spain
- ASF EUVET mission to Greece - EUVET
- ASF post crisis measures - Belgium
- ASF prepardness - Spain
- ASF preparedness - France
- ASF prepareness - Portugal
- Cov2 reporting - EC
- HPAI - Austria
- HPAI - Bulgaria
- HPAI - Czechia
- HPAI - France
- HPAI - Germany
- HPAI - Hungary
- HPAI - Netherlands
- HPAI - Poland
- HPAI - Romania
- HPAI - Slovakia
- HPAI - Spain
- HPAI (H5N1) - Belgium
- HPAI Early warning in the EU - EFSA
- Newcastle Disease - Sweden
- One Health Surveillance - EC
- SARS-Cov2 - EFSA
- SGP in Spain - EC
- SGPV situation - Spain
Presentations 17 January
- ASF - Hungary
- ASF - Italy
- ASF - Poland
- ASF - Slovakia
- Avian influenza - EFSA
- Brucella suis - Portugal
- Brucella suis - Spain
- Cov2 reporting (minks) - EC
- HPAI - Czechia
- HPAI - France
- HPAI - Germany
- HPAI - Hungary
- HPAI - Poland
- HPAI - Spain
- HPAI H5N1 - Denmark
- NEWCASTLE disease - Norway
- SGPV - Spain
- VET_Program - HaDEA